Effects Loop Return Input Distorted/Digital Static

  • Hello Everyone,

    Just unboxed my Kemper (sounds amazing so far!) and after trying out lots of amps, I decided to hook up my Eventide PitchFactor to test out the effects loop. At first there was no sound at all, then after wiggling a cable on the PitchFactor the sound came on but there was a harsh digital clipping/distortion/static/noise sound that is present on the effects loop regardless of which amp I choose.

    To test it out, I put a different patch cable straight from the Direct Out/Send back to the Return Input with nothing in between--distortion still there.

    Tried sending a cable from the Direct Out into a mixer and no distortion.

    Tried plugging a guitar directly into the Return Input with the loop on and I can hear the distortion.

    I didn't try it before upgrading to the latest OS ( so, I don't know if the distortion was there before upgrading it or not. It previously has OS on it.

    It came from FedEx today from American Musical Supply and the box was stapled--I assume from the factory so, I know it's not been opened before.

    What should I do? I really hope I don't have to send it to be repaired already! I do intend to use this live so, the effects loop is an absolute must.

    I did have the PitchFactor on Line level so, I am worried I blew out the input? I don't see anything in the manuals regarding whether the effects loop takes -10dB or +4dB effects or where to change those settings if it doesn't. I also tried a Boss Chorus pedal and the distortion was still present.


  • One more note I suppose:

    Coming back to the unit and turning it on a few hours later, turning on the loop again it starts out clean (but reduced in volume) then slowly degrades into more and more distortion and lower volume until it's almost all distortion and low volume.

    And yes...I tried Loop Mono, Loop Stereo, and Loop Distortion and they are all the same. Loop Stereo is very bad in fact--distortion on left and right with very dramatic reduced volume.

    Any ideas what I should try? Should I just contact Support instead of posting here?

    I had hoped to use this for my three gigs this weekend, if I can get this resolved.


  • Adjusting send and return levels does nothing? Try resetting the system cache (boot holding System pressed 'till it shows "Initializing...." and then release it)

    Edit: you'll need to re-enter usarname and date/time

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I have tried that (twice actually) and it doesn't fix it.

    Can you tell me where to find Send and Return levels? I only see Mix and Volume on the Loop parameters and they don't change the amount of distortion, just the volume of it.


  • Have you ensure the cable is correctly connected to your effects? ie "Direct Out" from KPA into "Input" and etc..

    I suppose Loop mono & distortion is meant for either one of the stomp A,B,C & D (pre-amp position)... As for Loop stereo, it will be X (post amp position)

    Im currently using Vox Satchurator on one of A,B,C & D position using Loop Dist, I do not have any annoying sound and the pedal just work the way its intended to be...

  • Yeah, I've tried several cables with the same results and placing the loop at different points. It's seems to clearly be a hardware issue at this point.

    Contacted support and they told me to exchange it. It's on it's way back to AMS today. Hopefully I won't have to wait to long for the replacement unit--I was just getting started! :(

    Luckily it should ship out as soon as UPS confirms this one has shipped back to them.


  • Hey, any news on this issue?
    I've been having the same problem. For a while I thought it might be my GT-10, which I intended to connect via 4CM (Guitar --> GT-10 IN --> GT-10 Send -->KPA In --> KPA Send --> GT-10 Return --> GT-10 Main Out --> KPA Return) to the Kemper in order to use both the pre- and post FX of the GT through the KPA.

    I tried everything out, from cables to send/return settings and the annoying static noise kept popping up everytime a note was played. This independent of the intensity of the playing itself.

    At first I thought it might be the GT, but I've been using it in this setup with my normal tube amp for ages and never had a problem. And now that I've connected other FX to the KPA loop, I'm quite certain it is the latter that is causing the problem...

    Any advice or will I have to be sending my KPAin for a replacement too? (that would really suck!!)


  • Hey, sorry to hear that.

    I sent mine back to AMS and they sent me a replacement unit so, I don't have the issue any longer. However, the sad and unfortunate thing is that the Kemper site sent me an email saying someone registered on this site using my previous serial # which means they resold it pretty quickly. I don't know if they fixed it or not so, hopefully that person wasn't you!

    If so, support told me it was a hardware issue and it had to be repaired. Since I had just barely bought it AMS exchanged it for me.


  • Hello guys,

    I have experienced the same problem today while exploring potential connection setups with the KPA and other gear, namely a POD HD500 in this case.

    I have tried:

    Guitar -> KPA -> KPA Direct output -> Pod HD Guitar In -> Pod HD FX Send -> KPA Return Input.

    I get some sort of faint crackling / hissing sound. It is there whatever the input volume as soon as there is the slightest guitar note going through the loop.

    Tried ground lifts even if it was far fetched for that type of noise, didn't work.

    After a while I just unplugged the FX Send from the Pod HD in frustration thinking it was coming from it. The other end still being plugged in the KPA Return Input.
    I was surprised to still hear the crackling noise when I touched the tip of the cable with my finger... It made the usual feedback sound when grounding the cable or plugging it to something but the weird static sound was being generated at the same time... Odd. When there is no signal the crackling is not present. Only when a signal is present.

    Hope they will find the problem without having me to send the unit back.



  • Hey Myramyd, thx for the info. And nope, I've got the Kemper since before you posted about the issue, so it's not the same one ;) (but I confess it does seems rather quick, how they managed to fix it (??) and re-sell it, huh?

    Anyway, guess I'll have to contact support and send my KPA back. Just hope I get a good one back soon!

    As for your post, StealthAMD, sounds like just the same thing I've experienced...

  • hi,

    i think i got the same problem. it appeared during my first profiling-session while my second profile (the first was ok). sounds like a digital crackling and with that its not possible to profile.

    i've wrote to the support and they told me to check with an rig without stomps or effects using the loop. but it still crackles. the microphone, the cables and my mixer is ok. maybe something with the preamp of the loop?!

    does anybody think, that erasing the flash-memory would fix it?



  • don't think so. Seems we all have the same problem which, according to support, is a hardware issue.
    Seems you'll be having to send you KPA back too. :(

    I wonder if there is any official explanation for this specific problem with the KPA as it seems that more users are having the same issue.
    I really love the KPA, but it would make me a lot happier if I felt I could really rely on it and this kind of thing just makes me insecure...

  • I wondered if it was associated with a certain batch at the factory. The first one I got (with the crackling) was dated November 2012 and the one I have now (no crackling) is from June 2012. You might want to report what dates yours were made just in case there is a relation.

    I'm talking about the DSP date at any rate--as reported in the System screen.
