Rig Sorting...random shifts!?

  • Using 1.5.2 FW

    Tonight, I loaded a bunch of new Profiles and wanted to go through my Profile library with the new ones added, so I used the following sort method:

    All Rigs -> Sorted by Gain

    Works great as it started with the low gain and moves up...this allowed me to Favourite each Rig I liked as I went through them. However, after selecting Rig -> Favourite -> Exit, the order of the Rigs in the Browse section are completely different than before I selected the Rig as a Favourite. For instance, the 3rd Rig in I selected Favourite as above, but now moving to Browse this same Rig now has ~15-20 Rigs in front of it I haven't checked out yet. Kind of frustrating in that now I have to go back to the start of the Browse section and re-start as I haven't tried some of the rigs listed before my Favourite selection. I am able to duplicate this behavior each time I select a Favourite.

    Is this Normal? A function of a Date stamp being updated?