Rigs lost while playing (only with midi pedalboard plugged in)

  • My Kemper bugged out the last two band rehearsals.
    I had some problems with the midi assignments in the past, mostly some kind of bug where midi channels randomly got assigned to a different rig.
    (program 5 = clean rig, program 7/8 = distorted rig; I choose the clean rig, tweak it a bit, save it, play a song, step on button 7 or 8 (don't remember, shouldn't make a difference) and the clean rig is still selected. The settings now say 5, 7 and 8 select the clean rig)
    The last two times I had a similar, but much worse bug. It starts off the same, but when I try to change to program 7/8 and I stay at the clean rig, the distorted rig seems to get deleted. It's just gone, even after a reboot with cache reset. This happened after about 5-15 minutes, I could switch normally before, but we usually play a clean only song first, so I only switched back and forth a few times at the beginning. Then, at the start of the 2nd song, the distorted rig was gone.
    Hopefully unrelated to this, but yesterday, the last rehearsal, the restore from my usb stick failed and all profiles were lost after the reboot, I could import them though. I didn't really try to get the midi board working after that and just switched by hand.
    I use a Behringer FCB1010, unmodified.
    I'll write support on monday as well
    PS: I love the sound and the capabilities of the Kemper, but the unwieldy rig management and the bugs I encountered most of the times I used the midi pedalboard are really starting to get on my nerves. I hope there's something obvious I'm doing wrong or the problem lies with my Kemper or my FCB1010.

  • I've had this exact problem before; although, it only seems to occur when I'm in the process of reassigning the midi PC numbers. I've tried to be very anal and "unassign" the number from the old rig before I "assign" it to the new rig....but that hasn't always worked. It's almost as if the KPA copies the rig for the most recent PC assignment, and copies that rig to any other footswitches I depress afterward.

    IIRC, the rigs that were deleted by this process were also removed from my favorites.....weird. 8|

    I'd really like CK to chime in on this....the problem is that I can't replicate the issue on demand - it seems random. ?(

    BTW, I use a Ground Control Pro. Also, I'm not on the most recent firmware as, alas, I am a "Rig-a-holic" and have way more than 1,000 rigs (actually, I'm just waiting for the editor to be able to thin the herd).

    Edited once, last by Dlaut (November 10, 2012 at 5:21 PM).

  • I've had this exact problem before; although, it only seems to occur when I'm in the process of reassigning the midi PC numbers. I've tried to be very anal and "unassign" the number from the old rig before I "assign" it to the new rig....but that hasn't always worked. It's almost as if the KPA copies the rig for the most recent PC assignment, and copies that rig to any other footswitches I depress afterward.

    IIRC, the rigs that were deleted by this process were also removed from my favorites.....weird. 8|

    I'd really like CK to chime in on this....the problem is that I can't replicate the issue on demand - it seems random. ?(

    BTW, I use a Ground Control Pro. Also, I'm not on the most recent firmware as, alas, I am a "Rig-a-holic" and have way more than 1,000 rigs (actually, I'm just waiting for the editor to be able to thin the herd).

    It's actually possible that I mixed it up and it happened the same way as with you, I don't remember the steps 100%.
    Thanks for the comments!

    Edit: I mean I'm unsure about the bug I had in the past where I only lost assignments. I'm 99% sure about the steps I took with the recent bugs where I actually lost rigs.

    Edited once, last by ara_ (November 10, 2012 at 6:53 PM).

  • Are you guys using the latest FW?

    I am, I try to keep up to date at all times. I think I only had this problem with the newest firmware, although it is possible that the first time I still used the version before this one and just forgot

  • Glad somebody brought this up. I had the same problem a couple of times at home while doing rig MIDI assignment, but I didn't pay too much attention somehow. It could be disastrous if this happens during a gig. This should be fixed. -Jake

  • Ok, this morning I just had a variation of this problem. I was just changing the cab volume on a rig and pressed "save". When it asked me if I wanted to save the cab or the whole rig, I exited because I didn't want to save that cab variation. I the saved the rig normally and changed to another rig - via midi - just to check to see if the relative volume was where I wanted it. Now the 1st rig has overwritten the 2nd rig's midi PC assignment. :thumbdown:

  • I've had that exact problem once, too! I was using the KPA live and suddenly my 4 rigs (clean, crunch, more crunch, even more crunch :D) were just (clean, clean, clean, clean). Not only was the MIDI #PC "changed", also the other 3 rigs were just gone (I could see them with the browser know, but just not load them). That happened many firmwares ago. I thought this was fixed by now, but I'm a little concerned now.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Unfortunately, no one has yet reported this to support. Please do so and try to provide an exact instructions how to reproduce the bug. Sounds like one that can be easily solved (now that we are aware of it).


  • Unfortunately, no one has yet reported this to support.

    I told it Christoph and have no idea how to reproduce the error as it didn't occur a 2nd time luckily (I stopped using MIDI-CC# - maybe there is a relation?) ;)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar