Why this forum SCARES me!

  • I believe CK has a big white board in his office where he puts all our comments as scores related to topics. We are all in a huge lab closely observed by the masters. 8o
    All your comments and ideas that are fitting right into his master plan - fine. If not, at least he will consider them with his team and decide if they will make it to the dev specs sheet scrap book section. (Works like this in the Tuesday and Thursday meeting: Any real news from the forum? Well, such and such said this and xyz came up with this awesome idea! Great, put it on the track list I've thought about this also.)

    But besides listen to users a certain stubbornness is required to stick to the original idea, design, purpose and product philosophy. Don't let the marketeers or worse - the users take over.

    Well of course this is all obvious, but I needed to have it said ;) . CK will track now my Serial number because I've spilled the wine and with the next SW update and the LEDS and blinkenlights will go out - ALL AT ONCE and access to the forum is void. Better I get a backup unit (of course black again) and keep my mouth shut forever... ;)
