internal tube screamer sound awful

  • The Kemper has tons of gain available if the goal is to boost gain or the ability to place a parametric EQ before the amp if the goal is to shape the tonal response which allows far grater control than a TS would allow. Honestly, the this clip sounds as I would expect, a bit more "aggressive" than the real deal but not night and day IMHO...

    You're just not fully understanding what the use of the TS infront of a high-gain amp is. It's not for extra gain and is only mildly for EQ changes. Throwing a TS with low-gain settings infront of a high-gain amp lets you lower the amp gain while retaining the same amount of saturation, which cleans up the sound. The TS also lends a low cut, mid boost, and treble smoothing effect to the sound while simultaneously bringing out the pick attack in a very specific way. The end effect is that the amp is tighter, cleaner, smoother, and more suited for a modern metal context than an unboosted amp would be, generally speaking.

    The Green Scream is just too exaggerated, high-mid focused, and grainy to do this as well as we could with something like a Maxon OD808, OD820, or even MXR GT-OD, Keeley TS, etc. I've used a TS808 reissue in real life with good results but can't mimic the results with the Green Scream.

  • You're just not fully understanding what the use of the TS infront of a high-gain amp is. It's not for extra gain and is only mildly for EQ changes. Throwing a TS with low-gain settings infront of a high-gain amp lets you lower the amp gain while retaining the same amount of saturation, which cleans up the sound. The TS also lends a low cut, mid boost, and treble smoothing effect to the sound while simultaneously bringing out the pick attack in a very specific way. The end effect is that the amp is tighter, cleaner, smoother, and more suited for a modern metal context than an unboosted amp would be, generally speaking.

    The Green Scream is just too exaggerated, high-mid focused, and grainy to do this as well as we could with something like a Maxon OD808, OD820, or even MXR GT-OD, Keeley TS, etc. I've used a TS808 reissue in real life with good results but can't mimic the results with the Green Scream.

    But your missing my full point. Why couldn't a parametric EQ pretty closely emulate the tonal curve of a TS pedal? And we have a pick parameter to bring out pick attack as well as various other deep parameters to tailor a profile's response. My point is that when working "in the box" sometimes you have to think "outside the box". This isn't to dissuade CK from trying to improve things, but he hinted that the clean sense/amp interaction would potentially prevent a more "real" TS style pedal/amp interaction. If the decision was between loosing dynamic response versus a more accurate TS model, well I think the decision for most users would be to leave the TS as is.

  • I for one and really impressed with all the included stomp boxes including the TS emulation, but I have no real deal to compare it to any more so I have to rely on memory. I'll tell you one thing, it's the only thing I've heard in a long time that made me go, "Oh yeah, that does remind me of my old 80s Tube Screamer..."

    ...but here's the deal. If there's an amp, stomp or effect that is crucial to your sound... you should use it. Nothing will ever replace it. I love the sound of a Fuzzfactory, so I bought one. The Kemper's germanium fuzz emulations are excellent, but not close in terms of the Fuzzfactory. The good news is, you have one, so you have to do nothing.

    For the rest... I take things as they are instead of what they're supposed to be. It's an easier way to live.

  • I like the TS in the KPA.
    Why don't you just use your pedal if you like it better? Try using a EQ instead of a TS - made good experience with that too for boosting :)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar


    this is same riff from first post with real custom ts808 screamer in front of kemper with same settings volume - 0,gain and tone min
    sorry , is night and day difference between real and model , model - sounds like broken wah )

    modelled first and real after - and someone tell me about EXACT sound ?

    Edited 2 times, last by artembankin (November 1, 2012 at 5:40 PM).


    this is same riff from first post with real custom ts808 screamer in front of kemper with same settings volume - 0,gain and tone min
    sorry , is night and day difference between real and model , model - sounds like broken wah )

    modelled first and real after - and someone tell me about EXACT sound ?

    I don't know but I like the second
    he has more balls :D

  • Person wrote, it is not necessary to him in the context of reamping. Phrase, "use what we have." this is not appropriate, you also want to have when talking about yourself that you are full? And this helps? Well, maybe I'm too harsh, sorry. But complacency say so normal, not a solution. The problem is obvious, and I think in the interest of all to solve it.

    Excuse my English, I write with auto-translation.))

  • ??? The first guy that can write a translation software that works will make money by sure!
    I can't really understand all what you've written, but my point is the following: most of the users (including me) loves the green scream as it is and do not want to see it changed, Christoph Kemper has said he will model a Maxon one for the user on the hardest side. I don't see a problem to be solved, the new model is on his way.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff


    this is same riff from first post with real custom ts808 screamer in front of kemper with same settings volume - 0,gain and tone min
    sorry , is night and day difference between real and model , model - sounds like broken wah )

    modelled first and real after - and someone tell me about EXACT sound ?

    Your still completely missing the point. The TS modeled in the Kemper doesn't meet your needs for the usage you desire. However, as we've seen in this thread others using it in a different context are loving it and feel it closely matches their real pedals. I personally don't care much for any of the dirt boxes in the KPA, fortunately I haven't really felt the need to use them as there are so many tone bending options within the unit. CK has already commented that they're planning to add a Maxon 808, maybe that will work for you, but I wouldn't hold my breath...

  • Will_Chen

    what point ?)) a used many screamers from maxon to podfarm , and no one , sounds like kemperish)
    it sounds very strange ) i post examples) with comparison
    even modern cheap plastic ibanez ts7 sounds much better than modelled in kemper...
    to boosting highgain - kemper green scream is completly unusable...

    Edited 2 times, last by artembankin (November 1, 2012 at 10:25 PM).

  • Will_Chen

    what point ?)) a used many screamers from maxon to podfarm , and no one , sounds like kemperish)
    it sounds very strange ) i post examples) with comparison
    even modern cheap plastic ibanez ts7 sounds much better than modelled in kemper...
    to boosting highgain - kemper green scream is completly unusable...

    That may be completely true for the way you intend to use it. Clearly your tried and true real world recipe won't work in the Kemper, time to look at alternatives. My suggestion is to think about what you're trying to accomplish tone-wise and look at the tools offered to you in the Kemper. You may find something that works even better to achieve your end goal as you can tailor the tones in ways not possible (or at least extremely difficult involving modding an amp) in the real world. Or perhaps profile your amps with your TS engaged. I'm not saying this from the perspective that CK can do no wrong and the Kemper is perfect, simply to encourage you to widen your perspective to find alternate solutions to your problem. There are many ways to skin a cat...