What Happened to the KPA Tag Editor

  • Sorry if I missed the memo, but did the KPA Tag Editor die?


    MY GEAR:
    Taylor T5 Koa, Taylor SBS1, Fender Select Koa Telecaster | PRS SE 50 w/ 2x12 Cab | Kemper Profiling Amp | 2x Tannoy 601a Monitors

  • Hello, it's not quite dead !

    I must confess I did not work on the editor lately, I don't really know if the tool is used or not, so I went back to nasty guitar experiments on my KPA. I guess Laurent is in the same case.

    Anyway it's usable as it is , see our latets posts (You'll have to use the search function ) we don't have lot of visibility on the forum, I asked for a specific page but could'nt find approval.

    We still have to build some binaries/programs instead of interpreted python code, but I stopped searching the magic formula to 'compile' it (for macs & pcs).

    The last quote from the kemper team saying they were working on their official editor/librarian did kill my last will about finishing our editor.

    I'm afraid that only a full pack of commercial profiles from Armin & Andy will make us give up our guitars/beers/smoke and get back on the keyboard :D

    Any python volunteer can work on the subject as all the code was released on GPL licensing.

    See you and thanks for your interest,


  • Hi waraba and All,

    From my side, I also stopped the development of this tool because:
    1 - I could get a KPA so that I spend my whole free time playing the guitar
    2 - The lack of feedback . Not very encouraging to ask for never coming feedback ( a few members in my case compared to several thousands of visits)
    3 - I read in a thread that Kemper guys develop an editor (no release date given)

    That's all for me, in the case you are interested, you should be able to find a link to the last version of the tool into the "Introduce Yourself" part of the Forum
    By searching "tag inspector" or "tag editor" , you should find it.

    Going back to play my guitar,


  • I feel you guys, lack of feedback is always a killer... You never know how much your efforts are useful and/or appreciated by those whom they were addressed. I'm feeling the same about the wiKPA. I believe I'll go on developing it for myself only.
    Unfortunately, I'm not able to give you any feedback since I'm not yet a user.

  • I tried the python thing on my Mac - but it was a little bit complicated - I was able to readout all the tags into Excel but could not write the Tags back - so I ended to do a lot of renaming 'by hand' which is a pain.

    I like the idea of a decent tag editor very much - would even like to pay for it.

    At some time I thought about creating my own editor - but lost interest since I heard about a free editor from the mothership.

    This may be the end of any 2rd party editor - or it must be VERY good and easy to use.

    The problem is - we have no estimated date for the Kemper editor - and since even the Performance mode should be ready since almost a year ....

    So, if anybody would create a nice compiled editor for the Mac I would be the first to support it and spend some bucks.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • I tried the python thing on my Mac

    Hello Armin, you should try the 'new' version I built from Laurent's code since it allows copy/paste function , you should be able to edit tags just once for a single profile then duplicate it to the other profiles from a rig collection.

    check this post


    Hope it can help , I wonder how much time it did take to edit 70 tags for your mark V profiles ???


  • Hi waraba and All,
    2 - The lack of feedback . Not very encouraging to ask for never coming feedback ( a few members in my case compared to several thousands of visits)

    Hello !
    I just discovered your soft and did download the kpa tag editor two days ago, and used it mainly to rename the "Amp Name Tag"...
    The batch functions are really a great time saver !
    If the official software does not have such a feature, I will keep on using your soft...

  • Thx lohworm , :)

    Most of the work was done by Laurent ( Guytarero) , he has done the main version with batch editing , I just did the simple tag editor from his code.

    See ya !

  • Just popping in to thank you two again. The tag-editor is a life saver.

    The only thing it's missing, IMO, is the option of editing cab files. I tried adding it myself, but i'm just not adept enough at python, i guess :pinch:
    Anyway, it was a brilliant idea and it's great to see this community supporting itself.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."