New profiles from Mudrock and The Hobby Shop Studio

  • Thank you very much for your profiles!

    I have to say that changing the cab to my Harlequin cab, the amp to my Harlequin amp profile, turning down the gain to 2,25 and putting the Kemper upside down, sounds like my Harlequin profile with the Kemper upside down. Are you sure that you are not using my profile? :P


  • Thank you very much for your profiles!

    I have to say that changing the cab to my Harlequin cab, the amp to my Harlequin amp profile, turning down the gain to 2,25 and putting the Kemper upside down, sounds like my Harlequin profile with the Kemper upside down. Are you sure that you are not using my profile? :P


    I firmly believe the audio similarities, noted by mba, occur as a direct result of the effect of the "LB"** curve (not to be confused with the FM or Fletcher Munson curve).

    The effects of this curve are only noticeable when observing the world through your navel....which in turn can only occur when you have purposely or inadvertently inserted your cranial housing firmly into your rectum. ;( :S

    ** - "LB" is short for lower bowel

    This is remarkably similar to a condition know as "stool impacted tinnitus" 8| :wacko:

    BTW, Mudrock, thanks a bunch for your profiles and early contributions to the community. :)

  • Well, I have to admit something: While I was profiling, I stood on one foot facing True North and chanted a verse from The Annals of Frompus Diem. After each completed profile I bit the head off a chocolate chicken and spread the entrails (vanilla creme) over my belly. It was a messy process, but I think worth it! 8o

    On another note, bass profiles definitely on the way next week!

  • Mudrock: you must tell us where to find those creme filled chicolate chickens, i believe they could be of some use not only with profiles but also with models...... :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • 8o dude!!! can you please profile these butcher babies for me?! otherwise i might have to steal them... awesome link!!! thanks... and yes, also for the profiles... keep em coming!

  • What a gorgeous studio bro!!! Wow. You artist roster is very impressive too.

    ...looking forward to the profiles as well!!!!

    So here is producer/studio curiosity --- are you telling guitarists that come in to try the Kemper (profiling their existing rig)? From my experience here in the Mid Atlantic, the engineers are basically tell the guitarists to use the Kemper for various reasons. They come in the 1st day of session - bang out profiles, then they are done. Tones locked in the box.

    Are you having similar experience man?


  • are you telling guitarists that come in to try the Kemper (profiling their existing rig)?

    Hi Jel,
    I haven't done it quite like that myself... truthfully I used it for 6-8 months without profiling any of my amps. I was using it to expand my own tone set rather than copy it. I think thats how we will be using it here... think of it as all my amps miced up all the time for overdubs, etc. Basic tracks I really try to have all the guys in the room together, so the amps come out for that..

  • Tried them all, and Caveman becomes one of my favorite , shoulder by shoulder with Trainwreck , Tworocks and Morgan !
    Could you please put some photo of Caveman , it seems like a very rare amp .
    There is no any video clip on Internet (as far as I know) ,and just a few info - produced only about 30-60 , hand wired by Bogner him self , production stopped because is too expensive costs and time wise ...

    Anyway , it sound like a turbo Twin paired with Vox , retaining that famous Twin /Vox sparkle highs , plus tight, defined Bass and some delicate , Middle touch which one might miss with previously noted amps...

    I enjoyed Caveman all afternoon playing some nasty Blues tunes , thanks for ripping off that profile as well 8o 8)

    (now waiting for Lance to dig out some crazy cab ,which will make your Caveman profile even more nasty ! Lance is expert in that ! )

    1988 Branko Radulovic Hand Made Strat in Macedonia (SFRJ)

    2006 Steve Vai vwh moded with SS frets and Sustainac 2006 (Japan)

    2008 Fender YJM , moded (USA)

    2010 Tom Andersons Drop Top 2010 (made in California)

    2017 Charvel GG sig Caramelised Ash (USA)

    2022 Gibson ES 335 2011 Custom Shop Cherry of course ( Memphis)

  • Hi Rescator,
    Glad you like the Caveman! There are exactly 3 of them in the world. Reinhold made a single channel amp with 2 power supplies and decided not to produce it because it would be too expensive. I used to borrow that amp from him, and I pestered him for years to make me one. He finally did, and when he did, he made two. The other is in Fred Archambault's hands.
    At one time there was a small combo amp he called The Caveman, but now if you say Caveman around the shop, it means my amp...

    There is a link in an earlier post to photos of the profiling, it is the black amp on top of my Uberschall.


    Edited once, last by Mudrock (October 28, 2012 at 2:00 AM).