New profiles from Mudrock and The Hobby Shop Studio

  • MBA, this is the SECOND time in like 2 freakin days you've managed to get people riled up at you, how do you pull off a feat on such a small board? Calm the fuck down or get lost.

    Wait a second, there may be something to it. I loaded the Caveman, turned off the cabs and it sounds exactly like the DI profile of my Roadster :D
    Seriously though, mba, man, take a step back and read through what you're saying, you may regret some of these comments sooner than later....

  • I tried his profiles I can barley hear them there so quite. Anyone else, how's the levels?

    I also thought they were a lot quieter than other profiles. Sounds much better with volume pumped up a bit. BTW, I am a big fan of Avenged Sevenfold! Thanks you so much for sharing the profiles. Looking forward to upcoming ones... -Jake

  • mba, you have a lot of balls accusing me. I suggest you come say that to my face or shut the fuck up.

    That's all you have to say?
    I will look deeper this week end then ask Kemper to ban you from this forum.
    You have to give credit to people if you use their work.
    For people who feel prompt and easy to piss on my back you should check what i said.
    It took me about 40 or 50 hours before being able to release these profiles, you should know that.

  • When I switch the cab on 2 profiles to the same one then nearly every highgain profile sounds very similar to me ?(
    (Same for real amps btw when using the same cab - but maybe my ears just suck (luckily) :D)

    If you really think he stole your profile: check the .kipr with WinMerge or a similar software - you'll see whether the files differ in the "amp-part"


    Mudrock: Great profiles :)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Guys are you on crack?
    These profiles are very professional, superbly smooth and great sounding...accusing him with his kind of credits and gear available of stealing a profile and reuping it under his name his plain ridiculous.
    You can make almost any high gain amp to sound pretty similiar through the same cab (and this cab sounds stellar if you just raise the volume a little you would noice) given a few parameters like the amps using the same powertubes etc.
    These profiles are killer and I am really looking forward to more of this. Thanks alot!

  • Hey everybody,

    Thank you for the feedback on the profiles! These are my first crack at making them and I wasn't paying a great deal of attention to the volumes. I'm still wrapping my head around the process and I'm not sure where the volume aspect enters into the modeling.

    If you have any favorites that I can rip off and call my own, please send them over! :D:D

    But seriously, I would love to hear some I can use as a barometer...


  • mba: I suggest you check your meds, something must be wrong there. I don't know WTF you're trying to do here and I don't really care, but I believe nobody needs it.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hmmm...... wonder why there so much hate in this world?
    I have a friend that has a twin brother and when they was young a could barely tell them apart,
    they looked and sounded almost the same, but they were not a copy or a rip off, they are two
    different persons with different names!

    It is quite possible to make almost identical profiles of the same amp without knowing it, and i hope people will continuing
    sharing their profiles whatever accusations they might get!

    With that said, i'm going back to MY popcorn! ;)

  • Hey everybody,

    Thank you for the feedback on the profiles! These are my first crack at making them and I wasn't paying a great deal of attention to the volumes. I'm still wrapping my head around the process and I'm not sure where the volume aspect enters into the modeling.

    If you have any favorites that I can rip off and call my own, please send them over! :D :D

    But seriously, I would love to hear some I can use as a barometer...


    I haven't downloaded your profiles yet, but a good barometer would be almost anything from The Amp Factory. I've not really run into a profile from them that isn't usable (and often inspirational). Though I'm a much lower gain player than the likely target audience of your profiles

  • Welcome Mudrock ! Will check your profiles for sure - keep them coming ! Thumbs up from my 2 sons, big Avenged Sevenfold fans . :thumbup:

    Thanks possie! Nice to hear your boys like some of my work!

    And in response to an earlier post, I definitely will not be put off about posting more. The majority of people here have been very welcoming, and I appreciate it! My apologies to rising to the bait on an earlier post, it's the Boston in me! :S

  • I'm a much lower gain player than the likely target audience of your profiles

    Will, I would be curious what you think of the next batch I have coming, I profiled more of my lower gain amps. Also, try The Caveman, I think it responds well to less gain.