Monitor Out is Dry?

  • Hi All,

    I searched for help on this subject but all I found were issues stating that NO sound was coming from Monitor Out. My problem is that my Monitor Out signal is dry and unprocessed, like the Direct Out is. I switch between patches and all I get is the clean guitar sound. I have checked the Monitor Out settings in System or Master, whichever one it is. I never saw any option for wet/dry toggle, just EQ and levels. Has anyone experienced this issue? I am on the 1.1.0 release, not wanting to move to anything beta. In the meantime I am just running a Master Out line to my floor monitor, which seems to work perfectly.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Ok, thanks for the advice. :thumbup:
    Since it's not an emergency I'm going to wait for the stable release. After all of the horror stories people listed in the 1.5 thread, I'm not keen on making the switch just yet.

    Eh, what horror stories do you specifically refer to? 1.51 is a very stabile release.
    1.52 will be even better. :D

  • Ok, thanks for the advice. :thumbup:
    Since it's not an emergency I'm going to wait for the stable release. After all of the horror stories people listed in the 1.5 thread, I'm not keen on making the switch just yet.

    Only horror stories have been related to the hoarders with 1,000 plus profiles (which if your one of them, sorry no offense). Update is easy and totally stable. Even 1.1 is a beta really as all the features were not built into the initial releases.

  • Eh, what horror stories do you specifically refer to? 1.51 is a very stabile release.
    1.52 will be even better. :D

    Agree with Ingolf, we are Beta testing firmwares since a while and never had any major hickups. The released beta are as stable as the normal ones. Agree on the 1.5.2 as well... ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a very annoying problem with the KPA Monitor (and Direct) out...

    I only get a dry signal on these outputs. We are using in ear monitoring at band rehersal (me using the direct out), but from time to time I run the KPA through a Tech21 Power Engine via Monitor out. Setting the monitor out to dry works, even the Mod mono does when I recall correctly. Still, when choosing the "Master Mono"-Option, nothing comes out of my amp. It´s terribly annoying... :cursing:

    Can somebody help :?: :?: :?:

    EDIT: Solved! Direct volume was set to -unlimited, needs to be cranked all the way up for some reason. 8|

    Edited once, last by PaWel85 (October 23, 2012 at 4:39 PM).

  • That would be great...

    Well if yours is working that is not a good sign (for me...for you it´s great of course :D ).

    Man...I´m having a gig on Saturday. Not that this bug is making it impossible to play, but it would be nice to hear some delay. :whistling:

    EDIT: Maybe I´m doing something wrong...but I have been using the monitor out before (wet) and the output is working (it´s working fine dry/mod, but not on the master. I can switch back and forth...)

  • Still, when choosing the "Master Mono"-Option, nothing comes out of my amp.

    Hmm - all I could think of is if you forgot some unconnected Effects Loop in the MOD slot. But then the Mod Mono setting wouldn't work either. Sorry - no other idea ... :(
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • Ah - one more: when I upgraded to 1.5.1. and first time choose other outputs for Monitor Out I remember there was no signal too. Don't remember which settings I choose, I guess I wanted to do Monitor Left and Monitor Right. But I remember that there was a strange connection with the settings for the Direct Volume on the next page! Direct Volume was at "-infinit" (i.e. silence, don't find the ASCI for that sign right now). As soon as I raised it even only a bit there was signal on my Monitor Out.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • BINGO!! 8o

    This has exactly been the problem...thank you very much, sir! :thumbup:

    But why are direct out and monitor out are linked that way?? I never thought it would matter...

    Anyway, thanks a lot you guys! Another day saved by the fellow members of the KPA-Forum ^^