Import rigs and nothing happens

  • Hello

    I cannot import new rigs.

    I do as it says in the manual but when I press import nothing happens. When i remove the usb stick i get a message saying the files are already imported but I just cant find them?

    Thanks i advance!


  • I downloaded the rigs I wanted. Then i draged and dropped them into "shared folder". Next I put the Usb stick into Kemper and then i locate to "Import..."

    When i first time put in a USB do I heft to do something speciel in order for kemper to create these files? For me he created them automaticly!!

    Or is there maybe a "shared folder" in kemper that I heft to find? or are all the rigs found under the same menu?

    Thanks again!

  • It should be fine... Try re-formatting the USB on the Kemper. Seems like you're doing it right.... On the PC can you see the Rigs in the Shared folder ?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Yes i see the rigs in the folder..
    The strange thing is that nothing happens when i press the import button
    You should at least get à confirmation if transfer succeded or not

  • Exactly, you normally get a message telling how many rigs have been imported. Is the Import button lit? Have you checked in some other menu if the same soft button is working?

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • hi,
    i too are having this issue but only with ampfactory rigs.. i have no issues when downloading profiles from
    the kemper site.... please let me know if you get this resolved and i will do the same

    Brian Thesnail

  • It seems that there is a bug in current version of the FW (1.5.2) (and in previous version too, if I remember well).

    I downloaded recently a few files from the rig exchange. Here are the names:

    2012-10-05 210119 - LSS* C1 Clean+.kipr
    2012-10-05 210320 - LSS* C1 Clean++.kipr
    2012-10-05 234103 - LSS* C1 Crunch.kipr
    2012-10-06 122742 - LSS* C2 Clean.kipr
    2012-10-06 122925 - LSS* C2 Clean+.kipr

    I put these files on the Shared folder on my USB key, put the key in the USB port, and tried to
    import the rigs. I got the message :

    Cannot locate files to import from USB device.

    So I put back the key in my computer, changed the first two names in the list by :


    Tried again. This time, these two rigs were correctly imported, the other ignored.

    Morality : try to simplify the names of your files... (at least until the software bug is fixed :D )

    Best regards.


    Edited once, last by meow461 (October 30, 2012 at 9:08 AM).

  • Hello!

    If I put in the usb-stick and went to the final import menu it takes some moments until pressing the buttom is taking effect. So I wait a little and then press a little longer. In all other functions the hardware butom is working fine.