Changing "Stacks" via Midi CC

  • It can work sometimes while other times it doesn't.
    It can be useful on certain songs while in others you might need changing fx too.
    By the way we cannot have everything, i hope that more flexible CC assignment, more FX and routing opportunities will come in the next future :)

  • Would it be possible to add a special lock function as a rig parameter? This would allow for a high versatility (specially while performing) w/o making things too complex for the users.

    It would be a matter of allowing saving a "lock" state along with each rig. When saving a rig, the user would be allowed to determine whether and which parts of the signal chain the next rig will have locked. You can think of this as inheriting, if you will.
    IOW, when switching between rigs the KPA remembers what to keep from the previous rig.

    Maybe this function could be made available in Performance mode only. But it would be versatile anyway, because you can save a rig with a different name and apply the "lock next" (mhhh... remember me of a Scottish lake...) to only one of the two. This way you'd have the same sound chain which can (or not) control what the next rig will inherit, depending on which rig name you use.

    Sounds quite simple to me, and shouldn't be demanding to implement nor make things too complex. The whole inheriting ability could be toggled from the general settings, to keep things simple for the beginners.

  • I must be stupid, but why you don't just save the rigs exactly how you need them? With this "heritage" you'll practically change to a saved rig but with different Fx...?!? .why not to save it in the correct configuration in the first place? ?(

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • What FX routing do you miss?

    Honestly i miss the opportunity to place a delay before the amp and, for example, the fact that i cannot use a phaser just on the delay repetitions.
    For the delay i know that this can be fixed with a delay in the loop or before the amp and this is what i do at the moment, but i hate stompboxes, and i prefere a full midi management.
    About the other routings: the simple opportunity to have a serial-parallel option for each fx would be a good step towards what i need.

  • Lock STOMPS and EFFECTS: Hold LOCK while pressing STOMPS and EFFECTS.

    How could it be easier? :)

    Just want to say that the lock feature is brilliant. That is all. :thumbup:

    What FX routing do you miss?


    Honestly i miss the opportunity to place a delay before the amp and, for example, the fact that i cannot use a phaser just on the delay repetitions.

    For the delay i know that this can be fixed with a delay in the loop or before the amp and this is what i do at the moment, but i hate stompboxes, and i prefere a full midi management.

    About the other routings: the simple opportunity to have a serial-parallel option for each fx would be a good step towards what i need.

    I bet the delay and reverb are implemented the way they are to allow spill over, a very much appreciated feature. It would be nice though to be able to apply some effects just to the delay tails. Maybe Kemper can accomplish this by providing more types of delay effects.

  • I must be stupid, but why you don't just save the rigs exactly how you need them? With this "heritage" you'll practically change to a saved rig but with different Fx...?!? .why not to save it in the correct configuration in the first place? ?(

    I don't think you're stupid at all, Davide :P and your suggestion works. We all know that there is often more than one way to approach a problem or address needs, and discussion is always welcome in a technical forum :)

    Inheriting appears more versatile to me, allowing to try different things w/o having to save more than one new rig. But it might be just me in the end ;)

  • (English Below)

    Hi CK, danke für das Feedback. Vielleicht ist das Setup auch etwas untypisch. Aber wir spielen Pink Floyd - und da ist das Gitarrensetup (leider) etwas kompliziert.

    Also die Lock-Funktion kommt leider nicht in Frage, da ich dann mit den Effekten nicht hinkomme (siehe unten).

    Ich spiele 3 Hiwatt-Profile. Die Profile Clean, Cranked, Full klingen perfekt. Also möchte ich auch live die Stack-Profile "Clean", "Cranked", "Full" nutzen. (Es ist keine Lösung, das Profil "Full" zu nehmen und dann an der Gitarre das Volume zu reduzieren oder Gain aus dem Rig zu drehen. Zwar wird der Ton clean. Aber das Profil Clean klingt deutlich besser.)

    Also muss ich die drei Stacks "Clean", "Cranked", "Full" auf meine Fußleiste legen. Für die Effekte könnte ich die Funktion "Lock" nutzen. Das Problem: Ich kann nun zu keinem Rig mit anderen Effekten nutzen.

    - Beispielsweise muss ich bei einigen Titeln zwischen Free-Delay und Tap-Delay wechseln.
    - Bei einigen Songs muss ich einen anderen Reverb nutzen.
    - Manche Songs sind seitens der Effekte komplette umgestrickt
    - ...

    Einzige Lösung ist derzeit im Vorfeld die komplette Setlist abzuarbeiten und alle Sounds samt Effekten festzulegen. Das dumme dabei ist, dass man dann Live keinerlei Spielraum mehr hat.

    Könnte ich die Stacks direkt anwählen, könnte ich innerhalb eines Songs meine Profile (Clean, Cranked, Full, etc.) nutzen und die "Effekte" innerhalb der Songs spontan an- bzw. ausschalten.


    Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Maybe the setup is somewhat atypical. But we play Pink Floyd - and because of that my guitar setup is (unfortunately) a bit complicated.

    So first: the lock function is unfortunately not the solution, since I need the possibility to switch between fx (delaytimes, etc.)

    The problem is this: I play 3 Hiwatt-Profiles. The profile Clean, Cranked, Full sound perfect! So I want to use these stack profiles. (It is not a solution to take the profile "Full" and reduce the volume on the guitar (or gain from the rig) That way the sound becomes clean, but the profile Clean sounds much better.)

    So I need the three stacks "Clean," "Cranked", "Full" on my fc. For effects I could use the "lock". Okay. But all this is the setup for one (1) song.

    The problem is, that I cannot use another rig with other effects.

    - For example, I need to change delay-times and between free- and tap-delay.
    - In some songs I have to use a different reverb.
    - Some songs are part of the complete effects redid ...

    The only solution (right now) is to work out the complete setlist and set all sounds.
    But that way I cannot change anything live.

    But if I could select the stack directly, I could change my profiles (Clean, Cranked, full, etc.) and use the "effects" within every songs spontaneously.

    Much easier ;)