Look inside the KPA and discuss a better form factor, but ... it finally happened!!! ;o)

  • Small pedal w/no profiling ability... a profile player! All you'd have to take to the gig is your pedalboard, and you'd still be able to download profiles from the site. And face it: most people don't make many profiles of their own.

    Like me ....

    I've never profiled something, just need 3 or 4 good Sounds and all the effects!

    And even if they'd sell it for the same price or more, it would worth it :)

    my current Gear: Custom Strat´s (Konstinger Ultimate Guitars), VoVox Cables, KPA, Custom Floor Board, Line6 G50 Wireless, Sennheiser IN Ear, Motu Ultralite mk3, Genelec 1030A, Neumann TLM 103, Apple Audio/Video Stuff

  • While I've typically been a fan of floorboards (may have even praised the alternate designs in this thread), I must say the Kemper form factor has been a breath of fresh air. My biggest complaint with using floor boards and traditional MFX is the last minute gig adjustments are somewhat ackward. I love all the dedicated controls on the face plate and appreciate not having to get down on the floor to make adjustments. I started the shift away from floorboards with the Digitech GSP1101, and with the Kemper I'm not likely to go back to floorboards at this point.

  • The cost for a small floorboard version don't have to be much lower at all - the benefit for the user comes later, when he pays the tickets for his tours.There are airlines that charge 50 Euro per trip for every 5 Kg of overweight plus, more important, toughest size restrictions.

    It's true, Kemper's investment has been made in software - so why not offer the same software in two different enclosures for two different purposes both at nearly the same price?

    I am definitely shure that in a few years time the enclosure of the KPA 2.0 will certainly be much a smaller anyway!

    I see where you come from, and the idea of selling a player at about the same price is somehow interesting, even tho I'm not able to foresee the market share for such a device :)
    As for the KPA 2.0, not sure how much you can shrink it w\o missing some interface control. It might be reduced in depth, but you'd miss the possibility of retrofitting the amp.
    Eng Kemper stated that he wanted the KPA to stand out when compared to the "usual" rack look... even tho... a green rack... would stand out anyway :whistling:

  • I see where you come from, and the idea of selling a player at about the same price is somehow interesting, even tho I'm not able to foresee the market share for such a device :)
    As for the KPA 2.0, not sure how much you can shrink it w\o missing some interface control. It might be reduced in depth, but you'd miss the possibility of retrofitting the amp.
    Eng Kemper stated that he wanted the KPA to stand out when compared to the "usual" rack look... even tho... a green rack... would stand out anyway :whistling:

    The Kemper's distinctive looks got a lot of attention at my last band rehearsal and I think is a big plus regarding brand recognition. there's no way you'll mistake it for something else and those who've never seen one are bound to be curious...

  • C'mon guys, it is a professional photoshop rendering - nicely done - but the design is now just another rack.
    If you like it as a rack securely fastened in a box, just use the screws on the side to attach some big metal ears (steel or alumnium), which extend to the rack size. It will be then 5 rackunits high.
    I'm not good with photoshop...

    I love the Kemper design - and now in a rack 8o
    The recognition of the form factor is preserved. 3 Allen screws to each side and sits tight in the rack. This could be a supplement (Zubehör) product of Kemper!


    PS: The "ears" on both sides offer enough real estate for a stereo light show 8)

    "rope ladder to the moon" or "stairway to heaven" :huh:  UnO4KemperEPROM for FCB1010 with glow in the dark labels!

    Edited once, last by Labrat (November 20, 2012 at 5:12 PM).

  • I love the Kemper design - and now in a rack 8o
    The recognition of the form factor is preserved. 3 Allen screws to each side and sits tight in the rack. This could be a supplement (Zubehör) product of Kemper!


    PS: The "ears" on both sides offer enough real estate for a stereo light show 8)

    Very good Idea, an simple too !

    ... It could provide space for some wireless antenna's :whistling:

    my current Gear: Custom Strat´s (Konstinger Ultimate Guitars), VoVox Cables, KPA, Custom Floor Board, Line6 G50 Wireless, Sennheiser IN Ear, Motu Ultralite mk3, Genelec 1030A, Neumann TLM 103, Apple Audio/Video Stuff

  • I much prefer rackmounted units. What about rackmount with a twist to be able to keep something similar to the current control layout? It should be possible to fit the KPA in 2U, but with display and controls mounted on a "shelf" inside the unit that pops out from the front and rotates up 90 degrees for use.

  • WOW, now we've reached more than 200 votes. Keep going dudes! :thumbup:

    And, it seems the amount of guys who like the original KPA is dropping below 50% (at 100 votes they were more than 60%) 8|:D

    my current Gear: Custom Strat´s (Konstinger Ultimate Guitars), VoVox Cables, KPA, Custom Floor Board, Line6 G50 Wireless, Sennheiser IN Ear, Motu Ultralite mk3, Genelec 1030A, Neumann TLM 103, Apple Audio/Video Stuff

  • C'mon guys, it is a professional photoshop rendering - nicely done - but the design is now just another rack.
    If you like it as a rack securely fastened in a box, just use the screws on the side to attach some big metal ears (steel or alumnium), which extend to the rack size. It will be then 5 rackunits high.
    I'm not good with photoshop...

    I love the Kemper design - and now in a rack 8o
    The recognition of the form factor is preserved. 3 Allen screws to each side and sits tight in the rack. This could be a supplement (Zubehör) product of Kemper!


    PS: The "ears" on both sides offer enough real estate for a stereo light show 8)

    If someone made this "ears" solution... I would buy it ! Great idea !