Kemper Profiler Player strongly being considered, have some questions

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    I'm completely new to some of the available devices in 2024, but after some research I've been led to the Profiler Player as a very strong contender (currently no. 1 option) for a specific need, along with some of the other usual contenders (HX Stomp, etc.)

    A little background, because it's important to explain want I want out of the unit in a very specific way. I'm a career player in Nashville, & putting together a small board (Pedaltrain Jr) to be a combination "traditional rig" into an amp with external effects, and a direct rig for occasional situations with a handful of good sounding amp sims/profiles to choose from.

    My experience is almost exclusively running gear the old-fashined way...i.e. guitar->stomps->amp. As a result, some of the terminology is confusing when I've checked out the online manuals of things like the Player Profiler. I'd like to know the easiest way to:

    1) Use the Player primarily for its internal FX like a multi-effect board. Meaning it would be mostly used for mods, delays, & a handful of special effects.

    2) Be able simply 'turn on' an internal amp profile in some live situations where I need to go direct

    I figure it will do these things once I learn the lingo, so my next question is... What is the easiest external accessory to be able to add some extra footswitches, basically to use it in 'stomp box' mode... turn on an individual delay, tremolo, chorus, etc?

    I'm also assuming this would be some kind of midi controller? For what it's worth, I've got a few mini pedals I'd like to use in front of the Player for dirt & compression. If this is all easier than I've made it in my head, I greatly appreciate the input!

    Edited once, last by jaysonchance (September 4, 2024 at 4:14 AM).

  • There are a myriad number of MIDI foot switches you could use. That really depends on how much money and space you budget for.

    The Player will do what you want, but the Player’s secret sauce is the amp/cab section.

    If your primary use is for effects with the occasional foray into going direct, I’d take a *hard* look at an HX Stomp or Stomp XL.

    The Player’s effects listing is limited compared to the larger Profiler units. It does everything you’ve mentioned, but an HX Stomp has a greater variety.

    A Stomp XL seems like everything you’re wanting in one box. Effects, the ability to go direct and footswitches. Simple.

    ‘Better’ between these two digital solutions is more about how they’re being used than sound. They both sound great.

    Like a Plexi, AC30, Deluxe or Deluxe Reverb… all depends on how you’re going to use them.

  • If I was looking for something to use primarily as an FX unit with only occasional amp/cab direct use I probably wouldn’t look at the Player to be honest. The direct amp side is stellar and easily as good (or better) than anything else on the market but the effects are currently very limited. They may be expanded at some point in the future but as of now no one really knows what will happen so I would base any decision on what is currently available.