How to BOOST?

  • On rig "Fender HotRod v30" I see a Booster in stomp section named "Pure Boost"
    But I can't find this stomp in the main stomp section.
    I want to use this boost in some of my rigs, how can I handle this?

    thanks for help!

  • thanks gottt---ittt
    this saved me days
    might help to have a reverence manual pdf in german mit "Stichwort" - Link :rolleyes:

    but this is so joung... and I'm 60!
    still learning
    still playing

    Edited once, last by bbblue (October 3, 2012 at 6:32 PM).

  • might help to have a reverence manual pdf in german mit "Stichwort" - Link :rolleyes:

    Go to the Kemper website klick on support > downloads > user manuals. Then to your dissapointment you find that the Reference Manual yes indeed is only available in English. But at least you can search it for Keywords: Save the file, open it with Acrobat Reader and type STRG+F. Then a little window opens where you can enter search words.

    Hm ... should work. I tried it and searched for "pure boost" and got: "Dokument wurde durchsucht. Keine Treffer." Then I looked myself and found in the index: "Wah Stomps (orange), The Wah Parameters, Compressor and Noise Gate Stomps (cyan), Noise Gate, Distortion Stomps (red), Chorus and Modulation Stomps (blue), Vintage Chorus, Phaser and Flanger (purple), Phaser, Flanger, Equalizer Stomps, Graphic Equalizer, Studio Equalizer, Metal Equalizer, Stereo Widener, Effect Loops". Many words, but no reference to any booster in the index of the Manual!!!

    Then I did a STRG+F search just for "booster". And found: "Treble Booster, Lead Booster and Pedal Booster" on Page 32/33. No info on the "Pure Booster" whatsoever in "the ma... - wait for it - ...nual."

    Dear 01000100, can you please tell me, where in the manual you found the info on a "Pure Booster" that you reproach bbblue not to have read? I am referring to KPA Manual EN Reference 1.5.pdf.

    PS: On the Type wheel of the KPA itself then I found four types of boosters: Treble Booster, Lead Booster, Pure Booster and Wah Pedal Booster.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited 4 times, last by fretboardminer (October 3, 2012 at 7:47 PM).

  • fretboardminer,

    good catch. the Pure Booster isn't mentioned in the Reference manual.

    This issue arose, however, since the function of the 'Browse' knob was mistaken for the function of the 'Type' knob.
    I should have been referring to the 'KPA Manual Basics and Profiling', specifically pages 16 and 17.