Living With A Memory - inspired by Larry Carlton - Dumble style sound

  • I've always admired Larry Carlton and according to others that has influenced both my composing and my playing.
    This track was an effort to write a tune where I decided to focus a lot on chord tones both for the melody and the solo.

    Rhythm guitar: James Tyler SE

    Lead guitar: Collings I-35LC

    Hope you'll like it!

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    Mats N

  • Great chords Mats on that opening , I really dig the voicings and that slow hand lead , the cool really cool anti thesis of shred ;)

    well done you nailed the Carlton tone once again :)

  • Great chords Mats on that opening , I really dig the voicings and that slow hand lead , the cool really cool anti thesis of shred ;)

    well done you nailed the Carlton tone once again :)

    Thanks, Renaud!
    That anti thesis of shred is the only speed I manage nowadays. :D


    Mats N

  • Sounds great Mats_Nermark

    Larry is a phenomenal influence to have if you can mange to nail the sound and style as well as this!

    Your playing sounds so relaxed, like you're just having a great time and should be on a beach somewhere playing with a band enjoying some margaritas.

    I'm not sure if that's your aim, but it sounds like a pretty decent life goal to me.

  • Nice Mats! I would love some deeper lows with this since it has a dance floor flavor.

    Thanks, Larry!

    I never saw this as a dace floor tune but when you mentioned it I would like to see how people on a dance floor would react to it.


    Mats N

  • Thanks, Per!

    This type of tune just invites you to be relaxed when approaching it.

    And regarding my life goal, I do live 10 minutes by foot from the beach and I love to drink mocktails so I'm kind of there already. :D
    Only thing missing is a band to play this stuff with.


    Mats N