Two NAM sparkle cleans profiles - full chain & fx

  • I just did two great clean profiles for my recording purpose :

    NAM sparkle clean princetonNAM princetonNadIR 4x12Waraba0.00 / 5.002024-05-20 Download
    NAM sparkle clean TwoRock SSSNAM 2 rock SSSNadIR 4x12Waraba0.00 / 5.002024-05-20

    These are based on NAM neural amp modeler & two models : a princeton recording & a 6 steel singer Two rock from tonehunt.

    They a meant to be used with a strat , and only with a mid to low guitare volume.

    The aim was to replicate my full signal chain on a single profile : single coil telecaster SIM , 69 mkII fulltone fuzz , NAM . The fuzz acts a clean boost here.

    They have this ultra clear quality, ready for recording. here is a clip :

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    Some tips :

    • As said, start from vol 5 on your guitar and adjust from here
    • the priceton profile was setup with a liquid Deluxe amp module , it's done on purpose as the original amp behaves like a deluxe reverb due to a tranformer mod. You can use gain at will on this one ,it's very realistic
    • the SSS should not have the gain touched , it's much more a git volume sensitive one, very dynamic
    • The pre FX are BOOST,chorus,compression , use them at will they are very usable
    • The post fx are a double tracker , a chorus , a long verb delay & a standard rhythm verb, try them all
    • you can disengage the CAB section for even more clarity and low basses

    These ones should please you Mats_Nermark , they are based on the ones you liked on my track , here is the reference track with the NAM cleans :

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  • Thx Larry it could work great on yer tele , be sure to play with the tele volume to get the sparkle.

    Also remember trying all the options & fx , it's super versatile.

    The princeton one is also great with just the verb , gain course is really good on this one.

  • How do I get these profiles?

    check above , rig manager search with either my name or the rigs

  • Sounds very good, I’ll definitely give them a try

    Sure you're welcome, they are not meant for live use FYI, but let me know the results of your test

  • Thx Kai, it's indeed a great profile & rig , that I use daily.

    please don't upload any rig on rig exchange if you're not the owner, I fount one of mine that I didn't upload myself, with 'Kai' in the name, you need at least to ask first, I'm open.

  • Did you profile with NAM your amp and then profile NAM with Kemper?

    Or how comes the NAM profile into th

    Yes loading NAM directly in the KPA would be a dream, you never know with Mr Kemper and his assembly skills , he could recompile the whole thing for the internal DSP and voilà !!! KPA 2.0 done ! :)

    I just did a profile the usual way , like you do with VST amps from a model I don't own myself , princeton & SSS two rock from tonehunt :