OS update help

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hi, Can someone please help with this....

    Im trying to update my kemper rack. Im still on 7.0.9. I have read i need 7.3.2 to update first. I cannot find that OS in the downloads section anymore. I have installed Rigmanager and it recognises that the Kemper rack needs and update then it proceeds to do nothing.


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    • Official Post

    We send old versions for upgrading very old OS versions only on special request nowadays since these upgrade versions 1.8.2 and 7.3.2 must not be installed on latest hardware. So these versions are really just for the purpose of upgrading older units. The vast majority of users has upgraded beyond 7.3.2 in the meantime anyhow. 7.3.2 was published mid 2020.