Problems Creating Performances in Rig Manager

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    🖥️ macOS


    I recently purchased a Kemper Stage and I'm trying to set up some Performances for upcoming gigs. I have a bunch of rigs in my Local Library that I've selected as the starting point. In Rig Manager I will go to the Local Library and select one Rig and select "Copy". Then I go under "All Performances" and select my Profiler and the Performance I want, then I select one of the Slots on the right hand side and select "Paste".

    I'm constantly running into two extremely annoying issues when working this way:

    1. As I'm hitting "Paste" in a performance slot, I get an error message to the effect that my Profiler is not in Performance Mode (even though Perform button is selected and illuminated on the unit). The only way to get past this that I've found is that I have to hit "Browser" and then "Perform" again. This seems to happen more than 50% of the time.

    2. When copying a single Rig, I'll go to the Performance on my Profiler and select a single slot (for example Slot 4) , a white box appears around Slot 4 indicating my selection and then when I hit paste the Rig I copied replaces not just Slot 4 but also Slot 3 or sometimes Slot 2 even though I did not select them. I.e. my rig doesn't just get pasted to the selected slot, it also overwrites another seemingly random slot that I did not select.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks for your help.

  • I have experienced both problems quite often on a Windows 10 platform. Problem 2 is made worse because there is no ability to undo in RM. I am hesistant to edit performances with RM and make a lot of backups that I can use to restore because the results are unreliable.

  • I only use performances and try to avoid using cut/paste in RigManager. The way i do it is: open a second RigManager windows, find the source rig and drag it to my performance slot in the original window. For me this works almost every time.

    I use win11 thow!

    Edited once, last by jock (May 18, 2024 at 6:02 PM).