Lining out

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hello Kemper buddies,

    I have a question. I played a show with my band last weekend. I have the Kemper Power Rack with a Furman Power conditioner, Kemper remote, Mission Volume pedal, and Kemper Kab. My band leader wanted to run me through the sound system. On my Kemper I have the option of either going 1/4 inch Jack or XLR balanced line out. He chose the 1/4 inch. The problem I had was, while I had full control of the volume coming through my Kemper Kab, I had no control over what was coming out of the house system. Even with my volume pedal backed completely off, I still had straight on volume coming through the sound system. Not sure why this happened, unless the only way to make it work is by doing XLR. Please advise. Thanks


  • I will take a look at the output menu. But, not to sound like a goofy question, but will I only be able to use it one way or the other? In other words, either through my Kemper Kab or lined out through the sound system? I’d like to be able to use my Kemper Kab on stage as a monitor since we are not using in ears, but be able to have it coming through the sound system too and have full control with my volume pedal.