Morph settings not saving

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hello everyone. Ive been experimenting with the Morphing function and am running into an issue. While in Performance mode, ive adjusted several parameters to morph via an expression pedal. Mostly Gain, EQ, rig volume and Gain on one stomp box. For some reason, its not keeping my edits when i reboot the Kemper head unit. It only stores the Gain and EQ settings however it recognizes and labels all the settings ive adjusted with the small M. I store multiple times but once i reboot, they are gone. Btw…not using a Liquid Profile…its the Kemper Generic. Is there a limit to how many morphing settings can be saved at once? What am i doing wrong?

    Edited once, last by Archelo (April 29, 2024 at 5:22 PM).

  • Update: I tried again from the Rig Morph window to confirm the Kemper was tracking the morphed parameters in my case, its 4. Made the additional changes, saved twice then moved to another profile and back. It was still there. I then shutdown the Kemper, disconnected from the power source completely. Reconnected, powered on and now it saved my changes. I cant figure out this strange behavior so looking forward to some feedback from the experts. Thanks in advance!

  • Are you sure that you actually had the Rig loaded in the edit buffer? In order to be in edit mode you need to double click the rig in RM and you will get the headphone icon. I used to think RM was flakey and unpredictable until support took a look at a video of my “problem “ and pointed out it was my user error as I hadn’t double clicked.

  • The whole Editor window - the lower part of Rig Manager - including the STORE buttons at the bottom has a fixed link to the edit buffer of the PROFILER: That means you can only apply the Editor to the one Rig which is currently loaded in the hardware and gets displayed on its screen. Being it a Rig in Browser Mode or a Rig in a Slot of a Performance in Performance Mode. Consequently, this Editor window disappears, if no PROFILER is connected. What stays are Locations, List and Inspector.

    There are certain operations, which can be performed with objects selected in the upper list area, which don't require the object to be loaded and don't need the Editor. Even no PROFILER needs to be connected. You could for example select one or multiple Rigs and change the tag Amplifier Channel. Objects selected in the upper list area are only identical with the object loaded if these are marked with a headphones icon. I suspect you selected a Rig in the upper area, but didn't load it. So the Rig you edited and stored was actually another Rig than what you thought.

  • Are you sure that you actually had the Rig loaded in the edit buffer? In order to be in edit mode you need to double click the rig in RM and you will get the headphone icon. I used to think RM was flakey and unpredictable until support took a look at a video of my “problem “ and pointed out it was my user error as I hadn’t double clicked.

    Thanks for your reply. In this case, i wasnt using RM. i was editing directly from the head unit.

  • The whole Editor window - the lower part of Rig Manager - including the STORE buttons at the bottom has a fixed link to the edit buffer of the PROFILER: That means you can only apply the Editor to the one Rig which is currently loaded in the hardware and gets displayed on its screen. Being it a Rig in Browser Mode or a Rig in a Slot of a Performance in Performance Mode. Consequently, this Editor window disappears, if no PROFILER is connected. What stays are Locations, List and Inspector.

    There are certain operations, which can be performed with objects selected in the upper list area, which don't require the object to be loaded and don't need the Editor. Even no PROFILER needs to be connected. You could for example select one or multiple Rigs and change the tag Amplifier Channel. Objects selected in the upper list area are only identical with the object loaded if these are marked with a headphones icon. I suspect you selected a Rig in the upper area, but didn't load it. So the Rig you edited and stored was actually another Rig than what you thought.

    Sorry i should have clarified that i wasnt editing from RM but directly on the head unit. I definitely had the rig loaded and confirmed that my changes were acknowledged and saved. I even moved to another profile and back to check if it saved it. Then once i rebooted, the changes were gone. Im guessing i did something wrong somewhere.

    • Official Post

    I've never seen a scenario where data stored got lost after a restart in any PROFILER OS while Rig Manager isn't involved since there is no second memory which could explain two different simultaneous data states. In other words, if you stored the edited Rig and even reloaded it to confirm that your edits were stored, the old state is wiped out in memory and cannot be recovered. It's gone.

    Investigate, if you really used the Store Replace function. Store As will allow to store another Rig instead. If you don't change the name, both Rigs will have the same name and will only differ in terms of their Creation Date.