Solved: Activate Morphing via Preset Button is Not possible

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    The following problem: When I repeatedly press one of the preset buttons to activate morphing, nothing happens. If I press the "Morph" soft button, the preset goes into morph mode. To deactivate morphing, I can press the Prest button. That works. I can also activate morphing on the computer keyboard using the "M" key and deactivate it on the Profiler using the Prest button. The only thing that doesn't work is activating it on the Kemper using the Preset button. To test it, I also made a backup from January with the same software version as the current one. Everything works perfectly there. Does anyone have any idea whether I could have deactivated activation using the Preset button in some menu item? I can't imagine that, but I may have overlooked something. Thanks in advance.

    Kemper Stage User

  • you can change the behaviour of the slot switches in the system menu.

    here is the corresponding quote from the manual

    The default functionality of the Rig Buttons 1-5 of the Remote and Stage is to trigger Morphing; however, you may prefer to use them for reloading the current Rig/Slot in its original state. To select this behavior , disengage the global “Rig Button Morph” option, located in the System Settings.

  • Burkhard April 19, 2024 at 5:52 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Activate Morphing via Prest Button is Not possible” to “Solved: Activate Morphing via Preset Button is Not possible”.