MIDI toggle roulette

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    About MIDI toggle.

    How can I assign the MIDI footswich to allways select certain rig?

    Currently footswich 1 is toggling 50 and 51.

    If I press footswich 2 to selecr any other rig and then select footswich 1 it will select EITHER 50 or 51 depending on where I left it before going to footswich 2.

    So how can I make it always selecting 50 first?

    • Official Post

    Sorry, I don't understand your scenario.

    MIDI foot switches of which 3rd party MIDI device are you referring to?

    The built-in footswitches 1, 2 and 3 of the Player don't do any MIDI.

    What are "50" and "51" referring to? The Player has just 50 Rigs. And if this is about MIDI control changes - basically CC# 50-54 to load Rigs within a bank of the Player: 50 always loads Rig 1 of the current bank, and 51 always loads Rig 2 of the current bank. None of these individually toggels between Rigs. So I'm back to my first question: Which MIDI device is sending?