fx presets- where are settings stored? how to delete?

  • hello:

    i have several duplicated named presets created for the air chorus effect within rig manager. id like to remove the extras but dont know where they are stored. also, how is deleting these presets handled?

    thanks, js

    Edited once, last by jaschoon (March 16, 2024 at 12:58 AM).

  • sorry- i think i figured this, or at least one way to do it. i loaded a preset of the effect type where the fx duplicates "lived" (i did this via rig manager) and then went to the kemper itself and scrolled to the presets and used the "delete preset" button on the kemper unit itself to remove the unwanted presets.

    if there is a way to do this from within rig manager id love to know.

    thanks, js

  • User created presets residing in the PROFILER can be found in RIg Manager at All Presets/MyProfiler. You can pick and delete presets in that list like you do with Rigs at All Rigs/MyProfiler. The list inlcudes all user presets for effects, Input, Cabinet, Amplifier, Stack, and Output.

    In the hardware you open a module e.g. C and dial the browse knob. Presets are in the right column. You cannot delete the headlines for each effect type. And you cannot delete the fatory presets, that start with the dot in that list. But you can select and delete your own presets.