TOP TIP: Gain a volume-boost without using an FX slot or morph (any unit)

  • Being limited to only 4 FX slots (2 FX slots pre + 2 post) on the Player and having no morph, perhaps you are like me and make use of a rack/stage and employ an FX slot dedicated to a solo/volume boost or perhaps you do this by morphing. Migrating your rigs to the player often results in a few compromises owning to the limited feature set (which hopefully be expanded in future OK :* ) but there is a way...

    Here's a work-around that can be applied to Player, Rack/toaster and the Stage alike:

    Using midi NRPN, you can assign an external controller to modify your rig volume.

    Firstly, you will need to "normalise" your rig-volumes to 0dB and then "compensate" these level adjustment amounts by transferring this amount to the amp-volume parameter (ie if the rig volume is +1dB, set it to 0dB and add 1dB to the the amp-volume parameter to achieve the same output level)

    Next, on your external controller (yes- this does require some additional hardware) create midi-data to toggle/send the following midi data on whatever channel applies;

    Set rig-volume to +3dB

    CC 99 = 4, CC 98 = 1, CC 6 = 80, CC 38 = 0

    This equates as-

    NRPN Parameter address: MSB = 4, LSB = 1 (the Rig volume parameter)

    NRPN Parameter value: MSB = 80, LSB = 0 (a value of +3dB) this could also be a different value between -6dB to +6dB (or whatever the full-range of this parameter is

    additionally, you may want this midi data too:

    Reset rig-volume to +0dB

    CC 99 = 4, CC 98 = 1, CC 6 = 64, CC 38 = 0

    This equates as-

    NRPN Parameter address: MSB = 4, LSB = 1 (the Rig volume parameter)

    NRPN Parameter value: MSB = 80, LSB = 0 (a value of 0dB)

    Alternately, calling up a slot will restore its saved values so you may not need the "reset to 0dB" command.

    This then gains "solo boosts" without using up any FX slot nor relying on a morphed parameter.

    PS- you could also do all of this by employing a volume pedal but that may be something you already have assigned to wah or volume tasks.

    PPS- this obviously is dependant on your midi-controller capabilities and understanding how to get it to produce this midi data.