How to reinstall the current operating system on Player

  • New to Kemper. I've been trying to reinstall the current OS on my player via USB by following the updating instructions stated in the manual. USB stick has no problem, pre-formatted(fat32) and acquainted. The kaos.bin file copied to either the root folder or the OS Update folder. Tried both ways actually, but the re-installation's never happened for me ?( . I'm now wondering if I have to downgrade first before I can re-install the current OS. My player is in good working order. I just made some messy edits on the rigs, which makes me want to re-install the OS.

    Also, previously I succeeded in baking a backup onto the USB, but it seems I can't restore from it. Followed the instructions word for word, but all I had was 4 red blinking LEDs :/ . Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • shaunthesheep Reinstalling the OS will not alter the content on the Player. Your edits will remain intact. Perform a Factory Reset. Press BANK + TAP + WIFI + KONE

    For red LEDs indicate a Firmware undated error. Press BANK + FX1 + FX2 to restore a backup.

    Restoring the backup will bring back the unwanted edits, if they were present when creating it.

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