Buzz From Brand New Powered Kabinet

  • After having many issues getting my Kabinet shipped it arrived today and at any listenable volume there is a pretty distinct buzz that doesn't happen when I connect directly to a powered studio monitor. I've used several of the stock profiles, the JHS paid pack, and several liquid profiles and it persists.

    Cable is a brand new Klotz, tried with every intrument cable I own.

    Tried multiple outlets.

    Running both the Full range and cab sim with the recommended default settings for the Kab:

    The above are the default settings in the app that I most recently tried, I've also tried master mono and both outputs in stereo.

    When I take the cable out and plug it into powered monitors the buzz isn't there.

  • Does the Kabinet buzz all by itself with the volume up and nothing plugged in?

    Try a different audio source into the Kabinet and see if it still buzzes. That would eliminate the Kemper and suggest that the Kabinet the culprit.

    Try changing the ground loop setting on the Kemper for the output you are using.

  • Does the Kabinet buzz all by itself with the volume up and nothing plugged in?

    Try a different audio source into the Kabinet and see if it still buzzes. That would eliminate the Kemper and suggest that the Kabinet the culprit.

    Try changing the ground loop setting on the Kemper for the output you are using.

    Player doesn’t buzz without input volume. No buzz or or hum at all. I’ve also used the monitor output on my PLAYER for a while now with my monitors with great success.

  • Also the app has decided it doesn't want to connect to my player this morning on both my brand new ipad pro or my iphone 15 pro max so as I've been trying different outlets I have to bring it back to my PC to make 100% sure no settings were changed.

    Results are still the same regardless of the outlet. Same if plugged in via USB directly to my tower. It sounds like a ripped speaker fuzz effect but it's almost too perfect.

  • Well after an absolutely awful discussion with a very defensive man I've decided to return all of the kemper products.

    I've been documenting this process as an employee of a very large general music youtube channel and frankly it's been a horrific and frustrating experience from the false advertising of the player and it's extremely limited and paywalled effect slots, and the atrocious customer service.

    I'm glad some of you 40+ guys have a good report with them but I am shouting from the rooftops to avoid this company. In the future.

  • What's your youtube channel link?

    I work for a youtuber, I do not have a youtube channel myself. I have never done my own content creation, I owned a Streaming talent management agency based in Chicago that I sold to the ownership group of the current largest talent management agency. I started consulting and I now I work with two music related channels, but almost all of time time and travels are for one.

    I can tell you he/she has posted here before and people seemed to know them, but this was years ago. I don't think most people would consider either of them guitar youtubers at this point.

  • Had my Kabinet for just over a month now. It was rightly reported here a few time before that the Kabinet is noisy. I have checked all possible rigs/profiles, changed guitars and cables etc., however when I play almost every time there is this buzzling noise that goes with my playing. The noise is digital, I'm pretty sure its a fault of a Kabinet. Likely no noise when recording into DAW, but speaker - i'm not sure... Might have to send it back.