Midi Morningstar Mcp6 pro With kemper player latency

  • You should observe the audio, not the lights on the frontpanel. This is because in the PROFILER audio has highest priority.

    If you’re referring to my reply, it’s obviously the case. Hence the conversation. Just stating my observation. What I’m trying to say is, it appears the kemper picks up the message from the MC6 pro rather quickly but there’s a delay within it to change its presets if I’m explaining that well.

    Edited once, last by Wizardz (February 29, 2024 at 4:45 AM).

  • Here is some follow up with a new mystery maybe. I posted this on the Morningstar forum.


    Connecting the MC6 Pro via USB-C host slot to the Kemper Player USB-A does not work for me. I believe this is the primary way to connect the Pro to the Kemper player. Other combinations do work. Connecting the Pro host to the USB-B on the Kemper works (but then uses the port for connecting to a PC) and the Pro USB-C Device connection to the Kemper USB-A port also works, but then blocks the Pro from connecting to a PC editor.

    Am I doing something wrong when connecting from the Pro Host to the Kemper Player USB-A? It should work! I have tried a number of different cables including the one that came with the Pro.

    Here is a link to that post: https://forum.morningstar.io/t/usb-c-host-t…ot-working/7955

    It looks like there have been some changes to the manual for the player. It initially said this:

    For KEMPER Rig Manager™

    , USB audio and USB MIDI connect the USB type B port of the PROFILER Player to

    either a USB type A port or a USB type C port on the PC.

    The USB type A port can also be used to connect an universal MIDI foot controller or any other MIDI device with

    standard MIDI sockets via a USB MIDI adapter. Be aware, that there might be limitations since these adapters often

    don’t support SysEx messages.

    With the latest update, it says this:

    For KEMPER Rig Manager™

    , USB audio and USB MIDI connect the USB type B port of the PROFILER Player to

    either a USB type A port or a USB type C port on the PC.

    The USB type A port can also be used to connect an universal MIDI foot controller or any other MIDI device with

    standard MIDI sockets via a USB MIDI adapter. The Player will act as USB host. In case you intend to send Sysex

    messages to the Player, make sure your adapter supports the Sysex protocol.

    The new language adds that the USB-A port acts as a host. Could it be that connecting the Host USB-C port on the MC6 Pro to the Host USB-A on the player is causing a conflict?

  • on all Profiler models it is totally clear which connector is host (='A' socket) and which is device (='B' socket)

    An USB 'A' <-> USB 'C' cable explicitly codes the 'C' side to be the device side (note: it has to be a cable which supports datatransfer, and not only a charging cable) The Morningstar seems to recognize this correctly, as it starts acting as a device, but acts slowly as I understand from your reports?

    Maybe the Morningstar has problems processing the MIDI data it is receiving *from* the Player, when acting as a device? For example: initially the 'Paintaudio' controllers had this problem too, and it was fixed by Paintaudio in their firmware.

  • *Let me start off by saying I only use the MC6Pro for patch/program changes, so this may not be helpful for those with latency issues.*

    *kpahuitsing replied as I was typing. His response was my initial problem. (charging cable vs data)*

    I read where you tried several different cables, so this may all be useless?

    For me, it was all about the cable. I couldn't get the A to C to do anything with my MC6Pro, even with a couple of different cables I had. I almost gave up until I read about so many people having success with the A to C. I decided to buy a cable from a music store instead of amazon, and it started working immediately. This is the cable I bought from Sweetwater - StarTech.com USB31AC1M USB-C to USB Type A Cable - 3 foot

    Now my MC6Pro powers up and works great, but once again I ONLY use it for patch/program changes, not anything fancy (short press, long press, etc.)

  • on all Profiler models it is totally clear which connector is host (='A' socket) and which is device (='B' socket)

    An USB 'A' <-> USB 'C' cable explicitly codes the 'C' side to be the device side (note: it has to be a cable which supports datatransfer, and not only a charging cable) The Morningstar seems to recognize this correctly, as it starts acting as a device, but acts slowly as I understand from your reports?

    Maybe the Morningstar has problems processing the MIDI data it is receiving *from* the Player, when acting as a device? For example: initially the 'Paintaudio' controllers had this problem too, and it was fixed by Paintaudio in their firmware.

    The cable is a data cable. The Morningstar has two USB-C ports. One labeled "device" and one labeled "host." The Morningstar "device" port does work with the Kemper USB-A port. The Morningstar "host" port does not. Maybe this is expected behavior. If so, it is possible people are plugging into one or the other port unintentionally?

  • huh?

    so you say the MC6 pro actually is working with the Player when connected through a USB 'A' <-> USB 'C' cable (plugged into the port labelled 'DEVICE' on the MC6-pro?) "my MC6Pro powers up and works great" would imply that you actually have that connection in use?

    that would be nice !

  • Yes, I have USB A from the KPP to USB C (device port) on the MC6Pro connected and working. As I said above though I only use it change patches. I haven't had time to try anything beyond that.

    As chrjohns said it does not work when using the MC6Pro Host port.

  • ah ok... sorry for the misunderstanding on my side.

    so: verified is KPP-usbA <-> MC6 "DEVICE" (usbC)

    and not working:

    KPP-usbA <-> MC6 "HOST" (usbC)

    which totally makes sense, because that is connecting 2 hosts.

    when you want to use MC6's host function, you should connect it to KPP's device port:

    KPP-usbB <-> MC6 "HOST" (usbC)

    so you'll need to use a USB-B <-> USB-C cable. These cables sometimes are called 'USB-C printer cable"

    (the remaining problem, being the delayed reaction/switching still could be an issue with the MC6 having to deal with the messages it receives from the KPP)

  • This video confirms my suspicion, that the Morningstar only sends MIDI comands when one of its single buttons get hit in what they call Looper Mode. Otherwise the Morningstar waits until the button gets released.

    I can confirm that same applies to Hotone Ampero Control. Guess I'd learn to change the sound 1 bar before that I used to be...