eight dotted delay (U2)

  • I put your audio example in a DAW and so far I can see besides the 3/16 (1/8dot) they add a 8/16 (1/2).
    Did the edge really use it like that?
    However, with the dual delay I don't see any way to adjust the volume to a lower level of the second delay (8/16).
    That's why I am using now two single dealys. Sounds good to me too, but different.

    Check it out :)

    Powerhead / Stage / Kemper Kabinet / Youtube-Channel

    Edited once, last by PETERFR (February 21, 2024 at 10:00 PM).

  • I put your audio example in a DAW and so far I can see besides the 3/16 (1/8dot) they add a 8/16 (1/2).
    Did the edge really use it like that?
    However, with the dual delay I don't see any way to adjust the volume to a lower level of the second delay (8/16).
    That's why I am using now two single dealys. Sounds good to me too, but different.

    Check it out :)

    Hi PETERFR, First of all: thank your all your work! I'm much obliged.

    There's a slight but strange problem. I've put your file U2 - Where the streets - V2.krig in RM. In RM I have a number of these same rigs (try outs) but there's no rig with that name, nor the date. So I tried again: Importing that rig in RM. Message: Import failed, 1 Rigs were duplicates.

    Can you tell me which one is th right one now?

  • Hi,

    Apologies for the delay! Literally just sat down infront of my profiler for the first time since my first post.

    FWIW here are my delay settings. Interestingly they are in ms not to tempo!

    Dual delay

    Mix 100%/100%

    Delay 1 time 360ms

    Delay 2 time 120 ms

    Delay balance -25.0%

    Feedback 1. 0%

    Feedback 2. 0%

    Low cut 80.9 Hz

    High Cut set to top setting do No Cut. (It gets tamed by the cabinet stage.)

    Everything else is at 0% except

    Modulation 0.8

    Grit 0.8

    No ducking either.

    My chain adds the compressor, delay and pure booster before the Amp stack section.

    I use The Amp factory Cooper 1964 AC30 rig plus the Silver Bulldog Cab by Sam rather than Andy’s Original one.

    X module - Dual Crystal Delay (for a very subtle shimmer (Could probably use Ionosphere Reverb instead)

    Mod - A very subtle phaser for the Middle Eight before the Love Love love section

    Delay has the double tracker do that I can be wide in the verses and centered for the intro and outro.

    Reverb - currently a Natural reverb but very subtle and low mix.

    Sorry this is so long in materialising.

    Good luck


    Edited once, last by Pre-Amp (February 22, 2024 at 4:36 PM).

  • If you want to lower the volume of the second delay in the dual delay, I think you have to adjust the delay balance. I think this favours delay 1 to the left (negative values) and delay 2 to the right with positive values. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.🙂


  • Hi Pre-Amp, very extensive and clear manual . I'll try this settings also Thank you dearly. Much appreciate!

  • If you want to lower the volume of the second delay in the dual delay, I think you have to adjust the delay balance. I think this favours delay 1 to the left (negative values) and delay 2 to the right with positive values. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.🙂


    That makes a lot of sense. Never used that before....Will experiment with that option too.

  • So cool 8) there is a serial two tap delay. So instead of two single dealys, only one stomp is needed.
    One / last try - "U2 - Where the streets V4 - 2024-02-22 20-15-58.krig"

    And a short soundclip

    Hi PeterFR, The V3 krig is perfect in tempo with the song. At this moment, there's no urgent to implement a new version, but they always are very welcome because I know that you are the master in this matter... Morover, I'm studying hard for an important gig in which this song with your delay undoubtedly will be remembered... :)

  • Hi PETERFR, That versíon is now accepted by RM ! And I must say: this delay version is awesome for The Streets... Sounds great!! ^^ :thumbup: Thank you for all your work. You're truly a magician in dealing with these sounds....!.

    Hi Peter, here I am again.... Can you explain what delay you must use and let it work for you in the 8" (3/16?) tempo? It's about 8th guitar strokes with a matching delay. I'm referring to U2's song The Electric Co. The 8th guitar strokes aren't the problem for me but getting the delay (with 2 or 3 equally sounding repeats) is...

  • Hi theplayer,

    sorry, for late response.

    From the study of the Edge's Guitar delay the edge is using for electric co a dealy of 280 ms. Instead of choosing a note value and setting a bpm you can switch of the tempo sync button and enter the 280 ms directly. If the feedback of the delay is to loud, you can reduce it with the mix knob. If the delay repeats to less or long you can adjust it with feedback. HTH.
    Here's a profile as starting point: U2 - Electric Co V1 - 2024-02-29 18-42-42.krig

  • Awesome PETERFR! I don't mind your late response at all! Good things come to those who wait. Thank you again for your time and efforts. I'm sure when I play these songs the crowd will listen open-mouthed to your dead-on constructed rigs...! :) :!: :thumbup: