Volume jump through monitors when switching Profiles

  • Hi everyone,

    With the ability to now use the profiler as an Audio interface I can use my Studio Monitors and/or Kemper Cab to play through and can control everything via the Kemper. Awesome! My question is, when I switch rigs the Kabinet volume will stay relatively the same from rig to rig. I can limit this using the Monitor volume in the output menu. But if I am using my monitors, switching rigs causes a massive volume jump that I have to turn down using the volume knob each time. Does anyone know if there is a way to control this so it doesn't jump back up every time I change rigs? Thanks very much in advance!


  • Well, what I figured out was, the volume jumps happen when I have to turn up the "Main Volume" (in he output section of the Kemper) in order to play along with a Youtube video etc, on my computer. Getting that volume loud enough to hear the computer also makes the Rig volume jump(on the monitors) each time you change rigs, making you then have to turn down the volume knob each time(far bottom right of the kemper)in order to lower your Rig volume to match what you are trying to play along with. If I have no volume(music) coming from the PC, The "Main volume" seems to act like a master volume for the Monitors and the "Monitor volume" acts like a master for anything coming through the Kemper Kabinet. No issues that way, but no sound from the PC. I guess the issue for me becomes needing more output coming from my computer so I could then turn down that main volume to limit those spikes. I'll keep digging an let you know if I find a solution for this.

  • There seem to be misassumptions.

    The Main Output Volume is no Master Volume and just affects the MAIN OUTPUT like Monitor Output Volume just affects the MONITOR OUTPUT and Headphone Output Volume just affects the HEADPHONE OUT.

    Rig Volume ("far bottom right") is Rig specific and therefor becomes irrelevant as soon as you load another Rig with its own stored Rig Volume.

    If your PC sound is not loud enough, increase DAW Volume in the PROFILER's output settings or increase the output volume at your PC.