Manual DOES NOT explain how to manage & turn on & off effects; how to copy and paste favorite effects into a new rig ..etc

  • I am of the opinion that the Kemper Main Manual .pdf is THE worst documentation I have ever come across. It does not explain all the buttons, for example, the STOMP STACK & EEFECTS buttons completely ignored. I push them on & off and have no idea what their function is. Thanks Kemper for the confusion. You suck !That is just an example. The pictures are in this manual are awful green and blurry. how about a clear picture of the front with "every" Button NUMBERED and explained KEMPER ?? You know like regular documentation?

    Can anyone explain how to manage & turn on & off effects; how to add and delete effects and how to copy and paste several favorite effects all at once into a new rig ..etc ?

  • Manual 10.2 pdf

    Pages 28 - 40 explain the front panel in detail .... You must have missed those. If you can't be bothered with all that, here's a start for you:

    Module and Section Buttons (3)

    These buttons are associated with the modules and section of the signal chain as described in the chapter Rigs and

    Signal Chain before. A short press will switch the associated module or section on and off. Press longer to open the

    associated menu. Once inside a menu use the <PAGE> buttons to scroll through pages of parameters.


  • flinstone5555 It is all in the manual. I recommend using the search function in the pdf to find the information you are looking for.

    Main Manual 10.2,

    Page 22:

    Each of the buttons in the signal flow provides a unique and intuitive way to manage your sound. By pressing a corresponding button, you activate that module or section. Hold the button a little bit longer to focus the module and show its parameters in the display. The lower line of the display shows up to four parameters that can be controlled by the soft knobs underneath. Tweak the soft knobs to change your sound. If the module offers more than four parameters, you can move between pages using the <PAGE> buttons. To return to the home screen, press EXIT.

    page 178:

    Press and hold any effect module button to bring it into focus. If the effect module is active the display will change its color to match the effect. The soft buttons and soft knobs will display the parameters available to edit. Use the <PAGE> buttons to navigate the pages of available parameters.

    There are two ways to choose a new effect: either turn the BROWSE knob to select a new effect preset, or turn the TYPE knob, to change the basic algorithm of the module.


    Are you using Rig Manager?

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • I dunno...

    I must admit I opened up the manual to slam the OP with "look at page xx, it's right there". But I decided against that, because I definitely agree with the manual not being very accessible on this point.

    Yes, you can dig out the information, but not very well described in my opinion, and definitely not well structured. Sorry to say. It's almost 400 pages, it would make sense (for me at least) to have a more structured overall explanation. I understand the frustration.

    As I remember it, it was much more accessible when I got my profiler back in the day (OS version 3.x, can't remember when that was).

    My two cents.

  • I feel like the Kemper is much easier to navigate for those who have computer experience. But with any new piece of equipment, you have to expect a learning curve. The Kemper can do so many things that it will take a while to grasp it all.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.