Using the Player in the Helix Floor signal chain

  • Hi all

    I just received my Player. For someone coming from the Line 6 models, the Kemper profiles are just amazing (I mean really). The next step for me is to integrate the Player in my Helix signal chain.

    Ok, there's no fx-loop on the Player, but, as far as most (if not all) the stereo fxs are placed after the amp, I guess I can simply inject my mono guitar signal (coming from a helix loop) into the player (through the guitar input) then return to the helix in stereo using the player's outputs. Right? Does someone have some experience with such a configuration? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    The ultimate setup would allow me to select the preset on the player using MIDI. Is that feasible with the Helix? I have (almost) no experience with MIDI so, here again, some advice would be appreciated.


    Helix Floor + Kemper Player

    Edited once, last by nle_100 (January 23, 2024 at 10:27 PM).

  • Hi nle_100 congratulations to your Kemper. I myself have a Kemper Stage and HX Stomp.

    What you are looking for is called 4 cable method.

    My advice would be:

    Guitar into Helix Input

    Send from Helix into Kemper Input

    Kemper Output into Helix Return

    Output Helix to a Mixer/P.A. or Headphones

    Then you can place the Kemper with an FX block in the Helix wherever you want.

    With this method you can use your pre fx''s from the Helix in Front of the Kemper, like OD, Dist., Fuzz, Comp. etc. and all the stereo fx's also from the Helix after the amp.

    By using stereo return instead of mono back to the Helix, give's you also the possibility to use stereo fx's from Kemper into the Helix.

    About the Midi i'm not sure since the Kemper Player has only USB Midi. But i think this should work, too.

    Kemper Stage User

  • Bakersounds has it dead right.

    I use my Helix with a Kemper rack* and other preamps and FX - and this method works very well. Cabled as Baker says above, in the Helix, I set a single send block with 'through' set to 0% then a stereo return block set to 100% mix, and assign them both to the same footswitch.

    Make sure you set the Helix loop to 'instrument' rather than 'line' in the Helix I/O settings.

    The Helix is a great midi controller - I'm not sure how you'd cable the midi (usb midi is new to me), but it would be very cool to control aspects of the Player from the Helix footswitchs/Exp pedal.

    *with the Kemper I mainly use the SPDIF I/O, but started out using the regular in and outputs.

  • b418me for monitoring, i guess the monitor out on the player should be used to feat into the kemper kone or any cabinet. From the manual you can see, that the monitor out is the right way to do it.

    But in this case you have to use the XLR out for the 4 cable method. That also means, that you have to have a XLR to jack cable, which is necessary to connect the kemper out into the return of the helix.

    Keep in mind, that now you only gonna have a mono signal from the kemper into the helix. If you only want to use stereo fx from the helix, everything is just fine. But If you would like to bring some stereo fx's from the kemper into the helix, this wouldn't be possible with the main out.

    Kemper Stage User

  • If I use this signal chain (Helix-Player-Helix-FOH) is there a way to include the Kemper Kone (or any Cabinet) for monitoring on stage in anyways?

    You'd need one of the many Helix outputs connected to a poweramp and cabinet for stage monitoring. The kone / kabinet is just a speaker - you'd still need a poweramp. The Power Kabinet has a poweramp and can be used from a regular 1/4 inch Helix output - leaving the Helix xlr for your FOH.

  • sorry, should have mentioned to either use the HX Stomp or the Helix Effects. Also I am aware that I need a Poweramp in front of the cab/kone. Also I would only use stereo effects on the Helix not the Kemper (running mono from Kemper back to Helix). So all in all is a monitor cab (together with stereo FOH) somehow possible in this setting? Thanks

  • sorry, should have mentioned to either use the HX Stomp or the Helix Effects. Also I am aware that I need a Poweramp in front of the cab/kone. Also I would only use stereo effects on the Helix not the Kemper (running mono from Kemper back to Helix). So all in all is a monitor cab (together with stereo FOH) somehow possible in this setting? Thanks


    You would only be able to get a Monitor Out signal with Kone which has none of the second Helix FX.

  • No.

    You would only be able to get a Monitor Out signal with Kone which has none of the second Helix FX.

    Thats what I thought. I was thinking maybe use somehow the headphone out of the Stomp or the second return with a return-block (then of course the Player is only mono back to the Helix which I could live with). Could that work somehow? And another question: could both - Helix stomp/effects and player - be controlled with the Morningstar MC6 (midi)? Thanks!

  • Thats what I thought. I was thinking maybe use somehow the headphone out of the Stomp or the second return with a return-block (then of course the Player is only mono back to the Helix which I could live with). Could that work somehow? And another question: could both - Helix stomp/effects and player - be controlled with the Morningstar MC6 (midi)? Thanks!

    The Kone imprints are only available via the monitor out so using headphone out wouldn’t solve your issue either.

  • isn't the Kone also a FRFR Speaker when imprints are not activated?

    Not really. The actual Kone speaker is far from flat response. The Kone software in the player makes EQ adjustments to make the Kone speaker response close to flat. This can then be used as in FRFR mode or as a base for imprints to be applied to.

    Anyways I could also use a regular cab. But is this even practicle via the headphone out or return?

    Sorry, I missed the bit in your original post about “or any cabinet…..”

    You could do this depending on the output options of the Helix. However, taking a monitor signal from the Player (regardless of the selected output) obviously can’t include the 2nd helix’s effects. Really it boils down to output options on the Helix.