Profiler Player - "Stream" tuner

  • Apologies in advance if I'm being a bit daft here, but how do you use the stream tuner? :/

    Once you've pressed and held the tuner button down, you get two lots of two lights on the left and right, where should they get to when in tune? I tuned a string using a clip on tuner to see what it would look like, but nothing was centred, so I'm a bit lost!

    Kemper, if you're reading this, for people who like to keep it simple like me, it'd be great to have a tuner option that just shows the string is in tune when the led gets to the centre (above 3) when using the full on tuner mode with the strip of lights.

  • PVO_Dave

    From the manual:

    The three TUNER LEDs on the front of the PROFILER Player are always active, so you can monitor your tuning

    while you play. Even when you're not in tuning mode, the LEDs give you general information as to whether your

    guitar is in tune or not. If a guitar string is far out of tune, only the outer LEDs will be on. As your string gets closer to

    the correct tuning, the middle LED becomes brighter. If your string is in tune, only the middle LED will be lit. So, to

    tune your strings, make sure that the white LED in the middle is on, and the surrounding green LEDs are both off.

    The streaming tuner shows a flat string by LEDs streaming to the left, a sharp string by LEDs streaming to the right. When the string is in tune, the LEDs do not move.

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  • Thanks HELL-G

    In the UK manual it missing that last sentence (thought I'd missed it)

    "The three TUNER LEDs on the front of the PROFILER Player are always active, so you can monitor your tuning

    while you play. Even when you're not in tuning mode, the LEDs give you general information as to whether your

    guitar is in tune or not. If a guitar string is far out of tune, only the outer LEDs will be on. As your string gets closer to

    the correct tuning, the middle LED becomes brighter. If your string is in tune, only the middle LED will be lit. So, to

    tune your strings, make sure that the white LED in the middle is on, and the surrounding green LEDs are both off.

    If you want a more advanced tuner, you can either hold the TAP / TUNER button for a moment or press an assigned

    foot switch or put an expression pedal configured as Volume Pedal into heel position to activate Tuner Mode. While

    Tuner Mode is engaged, the LED row on the front panel will act as a stream tuner.

    In System Settings of Rig Manager you can find the Tuner Mute option. This determines whether the audio is sent to

    the outputs or not. To tune your guitar silently, enable “Mute”. The signal will then be muted, but only while you're in

    Tuner Mode. This is a neat way to mute the signal temporarily; for example, to avoid unwanted noise when you

    change guitars."

  • Hello there,

    It seems that, since the last update, a combination of one, two or no rig button on the player lights up to indicate the note (it does on mine). I'm not sure, I did not find any info on that in the updated manual and have had no reply to another post I've just made today here in the forum!

    We'll see! 🤟