Output Section / Kemper Kone active and Monitor Stereo Active

  • Happy new year !

    Santa Clauss has send me a Kemper Kabinet Stereo Set !

    I'm very happy with the sound (the clarity) and the quality of the kemper products !

    But when I set in the output section, Kemper Kone to active and Monitor Stereo to active, i get a dry sound without my post fx (delay reverb ...)

    I plug my Kabinets like it's recomended in the package :

    - One Kab into Direct Output

    - The Other into Monitor Output

    I need an advise please.

    Thanks !



  • Thank you guys, the output settings is set to master stereo. But the direct and monitor output are set to master mono (no way to set them to Master stereo)...

    So, i try this :

    - Direct Output > Master Left

    - Monitor Output > Master Right

    The option Monitor Stereo is not active

    And the sound is beautiful : i have a stereo effect, i'm feeling like i'm playing in a large arena lol


    Edited 2 times, last by dtrouillot (January 1, 2024 at 12:57 PM).

  • I notice an important detail :

    - When you want to set an Imprint Kone, you have to activate Monitor Cab Off but.... It doesn't change anything in the sound when you change the type kone... bad !

    - You have to deactivate the section CAB of your Rig to have the colour of the kone you want to test !!!! At this time, i feel "i'm playing with a real tube amp, my god !!" Like I said my setup is with a stereo power Kab/unpowered Rack/Remote.

    Maybe a lot of you know this but I know many guitarists that said they are not so convinced by the result of this addon....I'm wondering if they know this issue lol


  • There is a lot of confusion causing wrong conclusions.

    You mentioned in your opening statement, that Monitor Stereo is active and Bakersounds highlighted that point again. Consequently, I suggested to set the Output Source of the MONITOR OUT to "Master Stereo", which is the only correct approach for your application. If you deactivate Monitor Stereo, the stereo sources like Master Stereo are not available!

    Setting the DIRECT OUT to "Master Left" is no substitution, since without Monitor Stereo, the DIRECT OUT is under no circumstances in KEMPER Kone Mode and therefor not affected by the sound optimization for the Kone nor is the Speaker Imprint applied to it.

    Deactivating the CAB module is also no substitute.

    I suggest you read the manual chapter related to KEMPER Kone and follow the instructions correctly.

  • Thank you Mr Bukhard...

    I was wrong, i didn't see the "monitor stereo" in the monitor output section page 1/9. And now it works well, and in the page 9/9 Kemper Kone, when i change the model of the kone the sound change without desactivate the cab of the rig. It was simple and i didn't see that. My bad.

    Thanks a lot for your help ! :)
