Kemper Player - Combo Footswitch?

  • Yes, the combo funcitons are not ready yet and therefore greyed out.

    The Effect Button I-IIII assignments, which are virtually available at the Player and can be triggered via built-in buttons or MIDI, are also not complete yet. The Player applies these if Rigs from other models get imported, but you cannot freely assign these yet. It takes an assignment function in the Editor to for example assign Freeze of the REV module to Effect Button II. So far you can only assign FX 1 and/or FX 2 to an Effect Button at the Player hardware. Example: You have used the Editor to assign module A to FX 1 and module DLY to FX 2 and stored this in your Rig. If your foot switch 2 is still configured as Effect Button I (default), you could now press the button of FX 1 and foot switch 2 simultanously and that foot switch will toggle module A on/off in that Rig. You could add FX 2 by holding its button and foot switch 2 simultaneously. Now foot switch 2 will toggle module A and DLY either in sync or inversely depending on their current state - like an Effect Button at a Remote/Stage would do. But this is not the full capacity of the EFfect Buttons,. which is planned for the new future.

  • Glad I found this, I reached out to support yesterday and got the same answer mentioned above. I had been going crazy trying to activate the 'switch on release' feature or whatever needed to turn on combo switching.

    In the meantime, I purchased the $20 Hotone dual footswitch and it works perfectly! The extra 2 buttons make all the difference!

  • There is no count down for it. This is not a "n additional lines of code need" topic, but touches design aspects. So "near future" is as precise as it currently gets.

    I recommend modifying the manual to reflect the current state of the functionality. Even a little "coming soon" label on the combo footswitch and Effect I-IIII functionality so people don't waste time trying to get them to work.

    • Official Post

    Glad I found this, I reached out to support yesterday and got the same answer mentioned above. I had been going crazy trying to activate the 'switch on release' feature or whatever needed to turn on combo switching.

    In the meantime, I purchased the $20 Hotone dual footswitch and it works perfectly! The extra 2 buttons make all the difference!

    Be aware that this Hotone switch is monentary and normally closed. We didn't find this info in any Hotone specs, but in a customer review at a large online dealer. PROFILERs require momentary normally open switches.

    Such wrong polarity explains strange behaviors:

    If you just activate and deactivate effects, this doesn't happen, when you press the button, but when you release it. Perhaps that is acceptable for you.

    If you assign Bank Up/Bank Down at a Player, you might notice, that this button works against the built in BANK button. If you step one bank up at the front panel, the Player steps immediately one bank down again, since the external button has normally closed contacts.

    At Head and Rack models it would be unusable with functions like Looper Stat and Looper Stop. If you assign TAP, the Beat Scanner is active all the time, except while you press the button.

    Bottom line, this switch is not a perfect companion for PROFILERs.

  • Thanks for clarifying 👍