• Hey guys!

    As you know im always trying to find ways to make my gear sound better and ive come accross this little ditty.

    At first i was like Ooooh! then i became a bit sceptical and since im not the most tech-headed dude i figured i would wing it by you lovely guys to grab your two cents on it.

    The idea behind it ( in my head at least) was it will clean up the signal from my audio interface (USB) to my PC USB connection. Maybe im understanding its purpose completely wrong and it does something completely different to what i THINK it does and i will just end up wasting more money or maybe it DOES do what i think it does but not as good as it claims and i STILL end up wasting money haha.

    Opinion's are very welcome fellas.


  • A properly working USB 2.0 bus has a bit error rate of <= 10^-12. It also has error detection built in to each packet. Note I used the word properly. As in not defecticve in terms of the electronics and/or cables.

    SNAKE OIL!!!

  • Highly entertaining. i think you only need to read some of the "dodgy" reviews to see where this is heading.

    "improves separation between instruments"

    "music feels muddy and slow without it"

    "this will especially make it sound smoother"

    "opens up and widens the sound stage and instrument separation becomes razor sharp"

    I guess the digital 1 & 0 must get output in a better font....

    seriously, though,

    its not even part of the digital audio system, purely a usb-to-usb converter/adpater, as i read it, therefore any DAC or ADC is outside of the device

    Perhaps it can offer some form of ground isolation, which can be a problem with certain USB devices and the use of some power-supplies?

  • Thanks buddy! Yeah i almost got pulled into its web haha. When i saw its needs an external power supply (which comes seperate) like a phone charger i was thinking well won't that add interference back into the chain...Yupp...took a wide birth on it. Thanks for the reply. \m/