• Yes, I can't believe guys that work on large stages with lots of lights aren't Also constantly begging for this. With each new update, I hope...and...Nope, Not this one either. Layout C shows us it CAN be done. Kemper Guys Please make a Layout D with the big fonts for "Rigs" So we can see what we are doing during a show. I and I'm sure many others use the Kemper like I do, and Need this. I'll pay you, really. Let me know what you want. (I won't tell anyone. I promise)

  • Yes, I can't believe guys that work on large stages with lots of lights aren't Also constantly begging for this. With each new update, I hope...and...Nope, Not this one either. Layout C shows us it CAN be done. Kemper Guys Please make a Layout D with the big fonts for "Rigs" So we can see what we are doing during a show. I and I'm sure many others use the Kemper like I do, and Need this. I'll pay you, really. Let me know what you want. (I won't tell anyone. I promise)

    I also one suggested to change the display colour when in morph state instead of just the lit button :) ... should be easy peasy to implement (not for remote)


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I'm just hoping someone at Kemper sees this and makes a remote layout "D" where the "Rigs" have that huge font like they use for the performances on layout "C" it seemed like it would be easy? (not saying that is is) It's so small and hard to read at a show. Please.

  • Well I think there should be different Layouts for Browser and Performance Mode.

    I do not need the name of the performance but a bigger font for the FX. E.g. the name of the performance can be shown whilst banking up or down but as soon as selected it should disappear and only the names of the slots as well as the FX should be visible.

  • Still waiting for this. It's the biggest issue I have with the Kemper and it seems like it's easily doable as they did it with Layout "C" I have to do an elaborate setup with 2 Fresnel lenses back to back. Cut to the display size with 2 strips of velcro to 2 1' high blocks of wood (with velcro) on either side so it can enlarge the tiny type of the chosen "rig" I use as songs. I would simply like an explanation as to why this cannot be done. I play large stages with lights.I switch my rig for just about every song. It's really hard to see that tiny type if you’re not 25 anymore.as to