Selectable Outputs for Different Rigs in Performance Mode

  • Hi Guys, I'm an avid stage user and have been for a number of years but I've recently come across a live audio situation that I'm not 100% sure the Kemper can achieve. I've been trying to find an answer but to no avail. The situation is this:

    Say I'm using both a guitar and a bass in one gig. I'm perfectly happy with using heel down on a vol. pedal and switching input jacks to change between them.

    If, however, my sound engineer wanted a separate output line for both bass and guitar individually, which of course is totally possible, BUT the "guitar output" had to be muted when I switched to a bass rig and vice versa.

    I'm essentially asking if I'm using XLR output for Guitar and Jack output for bass is it possible to mute the XLR when playing a bass rig and vice versa without bending down and manually turning up/down output volumes?

    My current solution for this is to take one output and run it through a Boss AB-2 to give the sound engineer two lines and switch channels so they only get one output at a time.

    This is all for the sake of automation as of course the engineer could just mute the tracks they didn't want coming through FOH. But I would ideally not want to put that burden on them if they were dealing with say, 10/15 actors with mic packs. I also want to reduce the cables and actions needed to achieve this and switch between instruments to make this process as streamlined as possible.

    To my knowledge and experience with the Kemper, this doesn't sound possible, but I was wondering if there are any geniuses who might have some sort of work-around for this or even if there were any recommended pedals that could achieve this (I was thinking the Bright Onion Pedals Stereo AB Output Switch v2 might do it).

    I greatly appreciate any answers or insights you guys can give me!

    Thanks so much!

  • you could replace the Boss AB by panning your guitar sound to one side and bass to the other.

    another possibility is to play guitar in stereo (main outs), and switch on a loop for the bass rigs (send out).

    it depends also on your monitoring situation.

  • I see!

    I don't have it in front of me right now so I will have to try and find the panning parameter later. But I certainly will check both of those options out.

    The loop idea sounds great too especially being able to have Gtr in stereo. I will try the panning and see how it goes.

    The monitoring situation is IEMs running through Avioms so I don't think it will get in the way of any routing.

    Thank you!

  • The loop is the way I would do it.

    Alternatively, you could assign master mono to the Direct Out and Master Stereo to the Main Outs but you would still need some way to mute the one not in use.

    Another option might be a midi controlled AB switch which could be set to automatically change output based on Rig being used. There are several available such as the RJM Y-Not