OS 9.0.8 update problem

  • I am waiting on a response from support but in the meantime will ask here.

    I tried to update both of my profilers this morning and the update on the rack unit failed but the stage unit updated with no problem. The rack unit is now stuck on an error message that asks me to install version 4.0 first. The first failure occurred trying to update from RM so I tried from from the USB drive, no luck. The stage unit was updated from the USB drive and completed with no error.

    Currently the rack unit displays "nanoboot From USB drive" as soon as I try to power it on, with or without the USB Drive inserted. With the drive inserted the above mentioned error message appears within a few seconds. I have tried holding the System and Rig buttons while powering on but the OS will still not update. Also tried with OS 8.7.2 and got the same results.

    Somebody HELP!

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • Edward,

    Not that it helps, but I just updated my Power Rack via USB with no issues. Hopefully you can get some resolution to this. I totally understand your concern and frustration.


    Thanks, my stage unit updated on the first try. The rack unit came from Sweetwater just a couple of months ago and is at the moment nothing more than a $1600 paperweight. I can no longer recommend purchasing a Kemper to anyone. I am very disappointed. The issue will be resolved, it's new so I have a 3 year warranty but I am OLD (74 in Oct.) and don't have the time to screw around with problems that should never have happened. I could be more forgiving if this was a beta update but it isn't and I can't.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

  • please try to update the unit with OS 7.3.2 first, as a interim platform. This version can be found in the download section under 'older software versions'.

    From OS7.3.2, it should be possible to jump directly to any newer version (OS8, OS9, or OS10)

  • Good news, I was finally able to update the rack unit to 7.3.2. after a couple of attempts. For anyone else who has this problem there was a bit of deviation from the update instructions to make this work.

    The last paragraph of the instructions included with the download states the following ;

    "Expand the downloaded .zip file and copy the OS file “kaos.bin” into the root directory or the folder “OS Update” of the pre-formatted USB flash drive using your Mac or PC. Make sure there is only one file named “kaos.bin” anywhere on that flash drive. Next, unmount the USB flash drive from your computer and plug it into the PROFILER already powered on. Follow the on-screen instructions which will appear after a couple of seconds "

    This will not work! as soon as the unit is powered on the message "nanoburn from USB" appears and plugging in the USB drive will result in the same error as pictured in post #4. The USB drive must be inserted BEFORE turning the unit on. It may have been possible to finish the 9.0.8 update if I had just inserted the USB drive before powering the unit on.

    After OS7.3.2 installed, updating to 9.0.8 went as usual. While the Kemper was on and running 7.3.2, I replaced the kaos.bin file on the USB drive with 9.0.8 and reinserted the drive. after a couple of seconds the Kemper prompted me to update and installed 9.0.8 without error.

    In hindsight:

    This error may have been caused by trying to update the OS from Rig Manager. I run 2 profilers and with the Stage unit selected as "use for preview" Rig Manager started to update the Rack unit and failed. The Stage unit was updated from the USB drive and installed with no error.

    I will never try to update a profiler OS from Rig Manager again! Rig Manager is tricky to use with 2 profilers in the first place. In my opinion Kemper needs to do better in that regard.

    "Faith don't need no second opinion"

    Edited 3 times, last by Edward Dixon (August 7, 2023 at 4:22 PM).