USB recording - Logic. How?

  • Can someone please explain, how I get to record my Kemper in Logic Pro through USB? I've read the USB Audio section in the manual, but I seem not to be able to understand how it works. I cannot see anywhere in this section, that the Profiler has to be the audio interface to record through USB. I might have missed it though. But is it possible to use my RME Babyface Pro fs audio interface whilst using the Kemper's USB for recording? I have selected "profiler" in Logic Pro as the input. Logic only displays "Mic1 and Mic2" as choices and no USB input is visable. The output is still my RME Babyface.

    What am I doing wrong? I use RM and both the Kemper, RM and Logic are the latest versions.

  • All though I haven’t tried with the Kemper yet, I assume you would want to create an aggregate device with both the RME and Kemper in your audio/midi settings on the mac. This way your RME and Kemper appears as an combined audio unit with inputs and outputs from both. I’ve used this approach with a unit from a competing brand before

  • Okay…it actually works now. Kinda.

    I get the DI and Stack into Logic on separate channels. So far so good. The direct monitoring on the Kemper does nothing. I can only hear the guitar, if I press the monitor symbol on the track and if I run it at 128, there’s “no” latency. What am I missing regarding the lack of direct monitoring in the Kemper? It doesn’t send them to my audio interface. I have to open Logic to get sound….and through the track’s own monitor button. If I just play it with Logic turned off, I get no sound.

    But thank you for the help so far :)

  • the direct monitoring in the Profiler will give you a mix of your guitar playing and whatever is coming from Logic if the Profiler is also assigned as the output device. The level of the Logic signal is controlled with the DAW volume parameter.

    If you want to use a combination of Profiler and Focusrite you should create an aggregated device in the MIDI and Audio application in the utility folder of your Mac.

  • Okay...I have created an aggregated device with the two of them and making my audio interface the main one. It's still the same issue. The only thing that changed is, that I now can select inputs from both devices. The Kemper has outputs 15-16 assigned by default and selecting these two will get left/right signals from the Kemper to Logic. I still have to use the monitor symbol on the track in Logic and run a low buffersize at 128. I still cannot just turn on my Mac and my Kemper and just play. I'm missing something.

    It's a Babyface Pro fs audio interface and the Kemper sends nothing to it. It only sends the signals to Logic directly.

  • audio interfaces do not communicate directly with each other. It is always the operating system of the computer and the DAW that handles the routing.

    If you want to use the Profiler as your input device and you want to avoid having to use software monitoring you need to use the direct monitoring function in the Profiler and monitor thru the outputs of the Profiler. This would also be the case if you would use any other audio interface as the input device in combination with your Babyface.

  • Okay. So what I have to do is connect the XLR cables from the Kemper to my Babyface inputs? I disconnected them to only run USB from the Kemper. Or do I have to connect the speakers directly to the Kemper outputs?