Expected life-cycle and electricity consumption of Kemper Stage in Home Recording

  • Hello,

    Sorry in advance for the noob question but I'm wondering what's the best practice if you're using the Kemper Stage at home in regards of expected life-cycle and electricity consumption?

    I connected it to my computer via USB and I am infrequently recording guitar and listening music throughout the day. Should I turn it off every time when I'm not using it or does it not really matter? For example, does it use a lot of electricity to keep the Kemper Stage running and does leaving it on for an extended period of time somehow effect the durability of the hardware? Or is it basically like a computer where leaving it running is somewhat negligable? Thanks for your input!

    Btw this is what ChatGPT had to say in regards to this topic:

    When using the Kemper Stage at home, there are a few considerations regarding its expected life cycle and electricity consumption. Here are some best practices:

    1. Power Consumption: The Kemper Stage, like most electronic devices, consumes electricity when powered on. While it may not consume a significant amount compared to some other household appliances, leaving it on continuously can still result in some energy usage over time. If you're concerned about electricity consumption, it's generally recommended to turn off the Kemper Stage when you're not actively using it. This will help conserve energy and reduce your overall power usage.
    2. Durability: The Kemper Stage is designed to be a robust and reliable piece of hardware. However, like any electronic device, it can benefit from occasional rest and downtime. Continuous operation for extended periods without breaks may put additional stress on the internal components, potentially impacting their longevity. Turning off the Kemper Stage when not in use can help mitigate this stress and contribute to a longer lifespan for the hardware.
    3. Computer Connection: When using the Kemper Stage connected to your computer via USB, it's worth noting that keeping the Kemper Stage powered on while connected won't necessarily have a significant impact on its durability. However, if you're not actively using the Kemper Stage or recording guitar, you can still choose to turn it off to save power.

    In summary, while leaving the Kemper Stage on for extended periods may not have a substantial impact on its durability, it's generally recommended to turn it off when not in use to conserve energy and allow for occasional rest periods. This practice can contribute to a longer lifespan for the hardware and help reduce electricity consumption.

  • Do what feels right to you.

    Practically speaking - don't worry about it.

    There is an argument to *not* turn the unit on and off ChatGPT completely ignored and its called thermal cycling.

    The process of a device moving through hot (on) and cold states (off), is one of the biggest areas that causes failure in electronics. This is one reason why servers can (and do) run 24/7 with no issues. Even if they're not currently active.

    As for the Profiler, it's durability has never been a question. Plenty of units from as early as 2011 (first year of production) are still operating just fine.

  • There is an argument to *not* turn the unit on and off ChatGPT completely ignored and its called thermal cycling.

    The process of a device moving through hot (on) and cold states (off), is one of the biggest areas that causes failure in electronics. This is one reason why servers can (and do) run 24/7 with no issues. Even if they're not currently active.

    I leave my desktop PC running 24/7 (on a UPS) with an occasional restart or reboot to allow Windows to do a little housekeeping. When I power up my Kemper for the day I leave it on all day and power it down when I go to bed. If I gigged with the Kemper it would be on a UPS.

  • You absolutely cannot rely on Chat GPT for this sort of thing. If it lacks specific information for the device you inquire about, it will simply substitute - word for word - information from - say - the manual or an online discussion about another device it identifies as being in the same general category. It will not tell you that it did this or where it got the information. I would think of the Stage as a pretty expensive device to leave running just to listen to youtube talk shows or podcasts when you could buy an interface for less than 10 percent of the price of the stage that would do just as well.