Volume pedal does not stay OFF when changing performance slots.

  • Hi all, I have a Kemper Stage. I'm finding a strange issue with a volume pedal when changing some performance slots.

    For example, with the pedal set to OFF and no sound on the current slot, when selecting other slots without touching the volume pedal, a low level signal is quite audible. Rocking the pedal up and back kills it. The signal level you hear is roughly what you get when lifting the heel about a half inch.

    The odd thing is it's the same slots every time within a performance. For example, I have a performance with 5 rig slots and it's only after I choose slot 2 that this occurs. I can select and move between slots 1,3,4 and 5 freely and it does not happen. OFF is Off as you would expect.

    I noticed that SELECTING slot 2 doesn't actually cause it, it's moving AWAY from slot 2 to any other. Once the signal is audible it's there on all 5 slots when you switch around within the performance.

    I'm using OS v8.7.17and a Dunlop volume X pedal.

    Before posting, I did some further tests. I found that copying the whole performance to an unused position does NOT clear the issue. However, copying a default Crunch slot into problem slot 2 clears the issue and the volume pedal works as expected. I then copied each module from the "problem slot" across into the new default slot and cloned the rig manually. The problem says fixed.

    Any ideas what might cause this? It's going be a pain to manually tweak all the various slots that show this volume issue.


    Hmm... I found that the fix I thought I had doesn't work in every case. Some slots refuse to play nice.

    Updated to OS 8.7.20 today. Still the same unfortunately.

    Well this is only a very minor issue, but OFF should mean OFF everywhere as far as volume is concerned when changing slots.

    I have the volume pedal position set to OUTPUT on all rigs.

  • Eric,
    Is it possible that you have the Volume Pedal Range set differently for the RIG in slot 2?

    Check the setting in RIG |Volume Pedal Settings and compare it to the rigs in the other slots.

    Check if you have Lock Vol Pedal checked (soft button 1).

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    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
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    Edited once, last by ST (June 10, 2023 at 12:38 AM).

  • I don't understand the scenario and intend.

    You start from a Slot which has Volume Pedal Location "Off" and no sound!? How do you intend to play this Slot? Since the pedal is off you cannot crank up volume.

    If you load another Rig with Volume Pedal location "Off", the physical position of the pedal gets ignored and the Rig loads with Pedal Volume 100% as if no pedal would be connected.

    Is this a dedicated Volume Pedal? Or is the expression pedal configured as Wah Pedal and Volume Pedal linked to it via "WahPedal >Volume"?

    I suggest you open a support ticket and send a PROFILER backup with that Performance and exactly explain, what you intend and expectations are.

  • ST, thanks for the advice. I checked all the slots and they all have the Volume set to "location - output" and range "-5".

    I tried it with the volume lock both on and off, nothing changed unfortunately. :(

    I use it as a final output level and tend to turn the volume down to "off" between songs.

    Burkhard, it's a Dunlop volume X expression pedal set Wah>Volume but I also tried it as a dedicated Volume pedal in socket 1 but it's the same result. This not really a performance issue as the volume pedal is always ON somewhere when playing.

    I discovered this by accident in rehearsal. I had the volume turned off (at heel) and I was reviewing the stomp switch assignments, so I was selecting each performance slot 1-5 in turn and looking at the screen info. When I selected slot 2, I heard some string noise from the guitar I was holding and realised that that slot was still passing some signal .

    Further investigation showed I had a few slots in different performances, that did the same thing.

    What I also found is that once a slot triggers the issue, all the other slots in that performance then pass low signal as well. It's as if slot 2 is tweaking the general level up a few dB even though the pedal is physically at heel.

    I'll look into doing a backup as you suggest and raise a ticket.

  • I'm a bit confused where the "Off" came from. Is seems Volume Pedal Location is set to "Output" and not to "Off". Or referred "Off" to a pedal in heel position, which isn't necessarily equal to "no sound" e.g. Pedal Range >-5.

    Be aware of the following behavior of a Wah Pedal with "WahPedal >Vol": If your Wah Pedal is at heel in a Slot with no wah effect, you have no sound. If you move to another Slot with no Wah effect, the volume sticks at 0. This makes sense since you can increase volume at any time, since your Wah Pedal can control volume. However, if you load a Slot with an active wah effect and its Pedal Mode not being set to Touch or Off, the Wah Pedal controls that wah effect. But you couldn't hear anything and you had no pedal to increase volume. OUr sofwtare assumes, that that scenario cannot be intentional and increases Volume Pedal level to 25%. That seems to resonate with the scenario that you describe. Same applies, if you have also WahPedal >Pitch activated and there is an active PEdal Pitch or Pedal Vinyl Stop effect, which would block the volume function.

    Again, this logic is intentional assuming you don't want to play wah or pedal pitch at zero volume.

    You can avoid such logical conflicts with a dedicated Volume PEdal.

  • Hi Burkhard, I'm using "off" and "at heel" to mean the same thing - no volume - no sound. Sorry for any confusion.

    You may have nailed it.

    I always have the WAH function on a stomp switch and set to "bypass on stop", so the pedal is basically always a volume pedal until it is told to be something else. I never have a slot with WAH enabled on selection.

    When WAH is activated the current volume is maintained of course, when deactivated, the current volume is also maintained (the pedal will be positioned wherever it stops being used), so the volume doesn't usually need to be altered further. I tend to rock the pedal down to heel between songs - e.g. "off" with respect to volume.

    I haven't noticed any other issues doing this, it seems to work really well.

    I have considered using a second pedal for dedicated volume but this will mean a pedalboard upgrade for a wider model. ?(

    Thanks for the explanation on WahPedal>Volume behaviour, it does sound like that is probably the issue.

    On another note:

    I did take a RM backup but I can't find how to submit it to Support. The Contact web page doesn't appear to have any upload method.

    What is the usual procedure here? Thanks.