Stereo/Delay widener in Master output section and/or movable FX Slots?

  • I could seriously need the delay widener to be selected in the master output settings.

    I lose an FX slot for that in every Rig when I play in one Band where I am the only guitar.

    Maybe it would even help to make the 4 FX Slots in front movable to the back software wise.

  • I could seriously need the delay widener to be selected in the master output settings.

    I lose an FX slot for that in every Rig when I play in one Band where I am the only guitar.

    Maybe it would even help to make the 4 FX Slots in front movable to the back software wise.

    Yes, or move the fx blocks post amp/cap to pre.

  • I never use the delay widener so don’t have a dog in this fight but I have asked for movable FX blocks in the past. I think this would be a great addition however I believe Kemper have said that this won’t happen as the who system is designed to replicate the physical layout of the hardware units and moving Fx slots would confuse this logic. I could be imagining this (I hope I am) but I don’t think so.

  • What I had in mind would be for more fx blocks used pre amp. Typically I could use wah, comp, phaser, EQ, and maybe 2 drives to alternate between or stack together before the amp. That's at least 6 blocks that I could utilize before the amp block.

    I could use the pre fx loop to add more effects but that essentially takes away 1 block to use other external fx in the loop. I would rather just use the internal effects which I am generally satisfied with. I could live with the option of the post amp stereo fx loop to give the addition of some time based effects externally . There are a lot of great options to use for that. - (referring to use with the Stage)

    None of this is a real big deal, I just think it may be a useful option.