Looking for a profile similar to Billy Idol's 'Flesh For Fantasy'

  • I love the insanely processed sound of the guitarpart of 'Flesh For Fantasy'.
    Anyone can point me to a similar profile?

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  • maybe this is helpful information:

    How did you get the killer clean, chorused sound on "Flesh for Fantasy"?

    It was a Rockman set on clean sustain through a Roland Dimension D with a lot of echo and reverb. I think the guitar might have been a Kramer Pacer. Now, I replicate it with compressors and a Suhr ODlOO amp that has an incredible clean channel. I use the Eventide H3000 for chorus. The massive crunch in the outro was two tracks through the same Marshall Super Lead I used for Memory Crash.

  • maybe this is helpful information:

    How did you get the killer clean, chorused sound on "Flesh for Fantasy"?

    It was a Rockman set on clean sustain through a Roland Dimension D with a lot of echo and reverb. I think the guitar might have been a Kramer Pacer. Now, I replicate it with compressors and a Suhr ODlOO amp that has an incredible clean channel. I use the Eventide H3000 for chorus. The massive crunch in the outro was two tracks through the same Marshall Super Lead I used for Memory Crash.
