Remote ground loop issue?

  • Remote is connected to toaster via Kemper cable(have also tried 2 other cables with same result). If I touch any of the switches on my remote with my hand, a buzz is introduced into the system. The buzz is gone when the hand is removed. I have not tried to investigate as it is low priority for me at the moment. Any comments?

  • Considering that no audio signal goes through it, must be a hardware grounding issue. Does it happen also if you touch the metal parts on the Kemper?

    Yup, no signal, and the buzz sounds like 60 cycle hum, which is why I think it is a ground issue as well. Don't know about the all the other potential metal parts.

  • Just getting back to this. The buzz happens whether I touch the switches or the painted metal housing. Ground lift switches have no effect. If I put the guitar down, instead of having it in my lap, the buzz is not audible when I touch the remote. With the guitar in my lap, the buzz is louder when touching the switches or housing. Touching the guitar strings or not has no effect. Touching remote with bare skin vs my foot with sock results in a different but audible buzz.

    I'm guessing I am the antenna which is conducting some frequency into the guitar electronics. Hence, why it is not audible when I don't have the guitar near me.

    Lesson learned. I won't touch the remote anymore. ;)