Got a Line 6 Catalyst 100...

  • use as powered cab and backup for my Stage, is cheap and in the worse case I can give it to my son who's starting to learn playing.

    I start having quite a bit of bookings for the upcoming season, mostly small/medium venues where there is often monitors only for the singer and backline is unreliable. At the same time wanted the peace of mind of some sort of backup.

    On his own is definitely good enough to finish any sort of gig, the Clean, Boutique and Crunch channel are actually pretty good.

    Now what is interesting is using it as powered cab.

    1st Try: Monitor Cab on......ok I was not expecting it to be FRFR...

    2nd Try: Monitor Cab off: better, but with a big fat blanket over the speaker, no having the amp in another room with closed door

    F..K, maybe I've assumed too much, at the end is only a beginner amp||

    Well...while I have it connected...why not, it will not break....Kemper Kone on...WTF?!??

    Now we're talking!

    Alive, dynamic and feels like an amp. Most of the Imprints works surprisingly well. Very much "in your face" and present fizz at all!!! The definition in the high mids and highs is great. Lots (too much) bass as is, but the monitor eq on the Kemper takes care of it perfectly, and the bass are not flubby.

    BTW: very loud at 50W setting and windows-shattering at 100W.

    Is it better then other solutions? No, but perfectly usable and makes fun. At 264€ and doubling as emergency backup is an absolute no brainer

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

    Edited once, last by Kellerblues (February 25, 2023 at 8:34 PM).

  • I happened to be perusing the forum this morning and ran across this post. I've been using my current setup since last summer without Kemper Kone enabled (Kemper to sd700 power to eminence em12). I tried a Kone for a year in my 112 cabinet, then a passive Kabinet and a powered Kabinet plus a couple of powered pa speakers but I just didn't like any of them. I tried my setup with Kemper Kone enabled yesterday just out of curiosity and it really surprised me, it opened everything up but without the harshness or fizzy sound I felt was present with the other monitoring solutions I had tried, I plan on leaving the Kemper Kone function engaged.