MIDI Parameters Not Visible in Performance Mode

  • I'm currently looking after a touring rig that consists of three KPAs for two players. Two of them, in performance mode, display the MIDI mapping of the loaded performance. One does not, and it's making MIDI mapping a little more tedious. They are on the same OS version, so it seems this would be a setting somewhere that I could change? Thanks in advance.

  • That's correct. This player does use his remote for changes during songs, but I'd still like to have him get PCs for song starts to lighten his load a bit. What a counterproductive feature, would be nice to see that addressed. Thanks for the info.

  • I don't understand your concern. The PROFILER can obviously receive and process MIDI PCs. Your original question was related to the display.

    If you are in the process to program your sending MIDI device simply disconnect the Remote temporarily. I guess, you don't program during the concert.

  • It would just make things a lot easier if I could simply see (and write down) the exact MIDI address for each patch that the player is loading in real time during the set at rehearsals. As it is now, I will have to go through it all manually between rehearsal sets with the remote disconnected. Not the end of the world, but it's extra work/translation for no (seemingly) obvious reason.