Connecting Kemper Profiler to MacBook Pro?

  • Actually I disconnect all the time 🤣 Didn’t think of it. I have everything connected to my hub and I disconnect my Mac all the time from the hub. So there goes that theory 🤣

    this is how I run it ... a USB-C hub to my MacBook Air. The Hub has multiple USB connections. I connect the Rack to one, and my Mackie board to another. I typically connect the hub to the Macbook, then turn on the Kemper (usually straight into Performance mode) and the Mackie. Occasionally I have some communication issue with Rig manager so I unplug the USB connection to the Profiler from the hub and reconnect and it connects fine.

  • The key there may be never disconnecting. I have no idea how mac bus systems work and its probably safer that way. I have a nord wave2 that works no matter how you plug it in using the adapter initially, but if you unplug the c adapter from the mac and flip it over the loader wont recognize the device until you either flip it back or just reseat the a side into the c adapter. Weird for sure but it could be me. I've taken so many fender shocks in my youth that I may still be radiating some of that stored electricity. :)

    That is not an option. The laptop goes where I go.

    The problem may have been in Mac OS security settings. I just connected a UAD Apollo Twin last night and it was an hour long process of rebooting the machine and changing the security settings at the boot OS level before it would allow the Apollo to connect.

    Luckily, UAD has instructions on their website. As far as I can tell, Kemper does not.

    I will have the new Kemper Head on Monday. We will see.

  • That is not an option. The laptop goes where I go.

    The problem may have been in Mac OS security settings. I just connected a UAD Apollo Twin last night and it was an hour long process of rebooting the machine and changing the security settings at the boot OS level before it would allow the Apollo to connect.

    Luckily, UAD has instructions on their website. As far as I can tell, Kemper does not.

    I will have the new Kemper Head on Monday. We will see.

    I was through the exact same thing with my RME Babyface Pro fs. I think I mentioned that as well. A process of hours. Never did this before, so it was a bit challenging to me on my first ever Mac. But I don’t think, that this is the problem. Then everyone on a Mac would have to do this, because the Mac is locked by default.