Beta 8.7.15 - fix question

  • Hi guys.

    I have installed the latest OS 8.7.15. on my head. I have had the very same issue. After pressing a button on the remote the Kemper just froze. No sound input. Nothing works, exactly the same as described above. After switching off and on again everything was back to normal.
    This has happened twice and thankfully both times were in rehearsals. I was also in Performance mode.
    Also it happened once that my one preset, after changing a bank, had no fx the first time I selected it. After selecting a different slot and going back to the previous slot the fx (Delay And reverb ) were back again.
    This is worrisome cause I have a big show coming up in April and I have my doubts now to use my Kemper for it

    I have installed OS 8.7.10 for now to see if it resolves the issue.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Edited once, last by JR (February 27, 2023 at 2:05 PM).

  • I tried to replicate it but couldn't get it to repeat.

    I have a rehearsal tomorrow so going to hit it hard...I also have a show this Friday so slightly worried but until we can replicate it regularly its going to be difficult to reproduce. I might consider reversing back to a previous version...

    I felt like it was an issue between the remote and KPA because it seemed to happen when I pressed more than one button by accident....

  • The meaning of the term "freeze" is unclear. Normally I associate with freeze that the front panel is unresponsive. Reports so far indicate, that the user interface works normally, but the input signal is gone. Is that what you mean?

  • I tried to replicate it but couldn't get it to repeat.

    I have a rehearsal tomorrow so going to hit it hard...I also have a show this Friday so slightly worried but until we can replicate it regularly its going to be difficult to reproduce. I might consider reversing back to a previous version...

    I felt like it was an issue between the remote and KPA because it seemed to happen when I pressed more than one button by accident....

    All reports seem to indicate that either Remote or Stage foot buttons are involved and trigger the issue. However, I have exhaustively tested double hits in combination with customer data and have not been able to reproduce this issue one single time.

  • All reports seem to indicate that either Remote or Stage foot buttons are involved and trigger the issue. However, I have exhaustively tested double hits in combination with customer data and have not been able to reproduce this issue one single time.

    That seems to be the pattern and I did a fair amount of button pressing and couldn't reproduce it - hence why I felt it was a loose connection - although I trioed to replicate that scenario as well with no luck.

    I did have it happen quite some time ago at a gig. First and only time it ever crashed at a gig and my remote had been disconnected...I can't remember anymore details than that though so it might be a red herring.

    Have you any idea what version it was first reported in?

    To anyone else, please be aware this is very rare, otherwise I wouldn't risk any gig but I've played a number of gigs with no issue.

    Also, if it was common, we would be able to reproduce it more regularly. So whilst I'm worried, I'm not losing sleep over it just yet :)

  • We received first reports with OS 8.7.6, the version which significantly improved Slot loading times and front panel responsiveness.

    People experiencing it multiple times during a short period, are usually not able to reproduce it later - ever. So you might be safe, since you had your experience:(.

  • We received first reports with OS 8.7.6, the version which significantly improved Slot loading times and front panel responsiveness.

    People experiencing it multiple times during a short period, are usually not able to reproduce it later - ever. So you might be safe, since you had your experience:(.

    OK. I will stick with my version and then see if it re-occurs.

    As I said , it has only happened once in maybe 10 gigs and rehearsals since that upgrade so mving forward might be OK. I'll monitor and feeback if anything changes.

  • Since we are not able to reproduce the issue, we are asking for the help of users who have experienced the loss of input signal while changing Slots in Performance Mode: Please try to provoke the issue again using this special attached test OS.

    Instead of loosing the input signal either the INPUT LED might show a permanent red color (until the unit gets restarted) or a warning might get displayed "Something went wrong....". In one of these cases or both please open a support ticket here, if not done already, and report the event. We will respond with instructions how to create a diagnostics file, which our engineering department requires for further analysis.

    Please don't use this test OS for production work! If you experienced the issue before, we recommend OS 8.7.10 for critical applications for the time being, although given the amount of installations the issue is very rare.

  • I share the same problem with my Stage - already opened a ticket. Installed the Test file and up to now unsuccessfully trying to evoke the error! Hope this will be fixed soon, because my Stage is only 2 1/2 months old and I like to play it instead of stupidly switching back and forth!

  • I share the same problem with my Stage - already opened a ticket. Installed the Test file and up to now unsuccessfully trying to evoke the error! Hope this will be fixed soon, because my Stage is only 2 1/2 months old and I like to play it instead of stupidly switching back and forth!

    Thanks! Please install OS 8.7.10 and stick to it for the time being.

  • We have just published OS 8.7.17 as public beta version. This revision avoids the accidental loss of input signal in Performance Mode.

    OS 8.7.10 release is safe. However, you can also upgrade to OS 8.7.17 public beta. Rig Manager will suggest the upgrade, if beta versions are selected in your Rig Manager prefererences. You can also download at OPerating System beta Versions" and install via USB flash drive. Instructions are included in the download package.

  • We have just published OS 8.7.17 as public beta version. This revision avoids the accidental loss of input signal in Performance Mode.

    OS 8.7.10 release is safe. However, you can also upgrade to OS 8.7.17 public beta. Rig Manager will suggest the upgrade, if beta versions are selected in your Rig Manager prefererences. You can also download at OPerating System beta Versions" and install via USB flash drive. Instructions are included in the download package.

    Sorry Burkhard I'm being a bit stupid...does that mean you've identified the issue ( its the word "avoids" that confuses me) ?

    If I've experienced the problem should I upgrade?