Received Ebay Guitar Today!

  • I went to tune it and.... the damn headstock falls off :cursing: A$$hole tried to sell me a broken piece of crap!

    That sucks! Very sorry to hear that.
    Some sellers are dishonest, but never count out the shipping company.
    They treat shipping goods as garbage and break stuff all the time resulting in many horror stories.
    Les Pauls for example have a very delicate headstock that can break inside a hardcase + packing material when dropped.
    I hope you can get some money back.

  • hmmmm.... It is a Les Paul. It was in a case, but there is no damage to the packaging box to indicate a drop. I suppose it is possible. The guy hasn't responded yet to my e-mail. I wrote a flame-thrower!
    Still, ultimately, it's on the seller, right? If the item is damaged, he should have gotten insurance.

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • This really sucks, i feel for you...

    I would never again have a guitar send via mail if it´s not a purchase from a shop with the corresponding insurance.

    When i had my custom guitar built last year which took the builder nearly a year to finish it that damn DHL nearly lost it and due to a labelling system error my beauty traveled back and forth between the distributing centers. I can tell you, this was not funny.

  • Like HappyKemper wrote, Les Pauls, SGs, ........ like braking their headstocks. Even if well packed, in case, and outer carton. Here it´s better putting some pad or crumpled paper, so the headstock does not have the space to move and brake.

    So it must not been an A$$hole sending cracked Les Paul, but may be not packed proffessionally. Sorry for ya!

  • Man, I feel your pain...

    Double check the eBay listing to make sure there was no mention of damage, needing repair, etc. The seller may have even described it as excellent condition, fully functional, etc.

    I'd wait a day or two and see if the seller responds favorably. If not, then file a claim with Ebay. Their dispute resolution process helped me in a similar situation.

    Take pictures of the box and the guitar so you can demonstrate it wasn't shipping damage.

  • ouch thats real bad news sorry to hear it.
    If it was in a hard case then shipping would of been fine.
    I suspect the guitar was damaged before sending.
    there has been a lot of this sort of stuff happening recently. - you can put a claim in to paypal, and hope that the seller can refund - did you take photo proof, as that will be needed too.

  • Well, the guy is accepting the return. (Not that he had much choice). He swears it was in one piece when he shipped it and he does have 6,000+ positive feedback.
    It's still a huge letdown to build up the excitement, and be delivered a broken and useless guitar!
    I don't know why people like UPS either. I have gotten more damaged goods from them than the Post Office and FedEx combined!

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Don't discount the idiocy of the shipper. I once sold a Eventide DSP6000 to a guy. Packaged it up perfectly and solidly. Buyer got it and one of the rack ears were bent but there was no sign of damage to the box the buyer said. Was probably just dropped from a good height. UPS is definitely one of the worse. Once I went to a UPS terminal to pick up a package. I was waiting for the truck to return. The loading dock had bay doors on both sides with a conveyor belt system in the middle. Trucks were backed in on both sides while workers were li†erally throwing boxes onto and from the trucks. Some boxes would roll off the conveyor belts onto the floor.

    Edited once, last by Animus (September 14, 2012 at 1:21 PM).

  • Don't discount the idiocy of the shipper. I once sold a Eventide DSP6000 to a guy. Packaged it up perfectly and solidly. Buyer got it and one of the rack ears were bent but there was no sign of damage to the box the buyer said. Was probably just dropped from a good height. UPS is definitely one of the worse. Once I went to a UPS terminal to pick up a package. I was waiting for the truck to return. The loading dock had bay doors on both sides with a conveyor belt system in the middle. Trucks were backed in on both sides while workers were li†erally throwing boxes onto and from the trucks. Some boxes would roll off the conveyor belts onto the floor.

    Absolutely, this is why I avoid having guitars shipped if at all possible. One of my first jobs out of high school was for UPS, doing exactly what you described. At first you try to do your best to be careful and gentle with everything, but then you realize there's a quota and a time deadline to meet, if you aren't producing at a certain speed you don't last long. So eventually people lose interest in doing the right thing in favor of keeping their job. I quit after 3 days, wayyyy too repetitive and I could feel it taking years off my life. But it was a nice experience to see how that part of the business works.