new cab wanted

  • theplayer as Howard says above, you can use either A or B as long as when using A you have the input switch set to Line Level. By using B you remove the risk of accidentally having the switch set to Mic level.

    Hi Alan, I don't know if I understand you correctly... you say dmattews is absolutely correct when he writes DO NOT run etc. But this is besides the point! I never do that, only when I first bought my profiler in 2014 and used this output for a passive speaker: Way too loud!!!

    I think that both myself and dmatthews (comment in post #22) were responding to something you said in post #19. This may just have been a typing error but I am sure it the cause of the confusion.

    But with my (2) powered K8's the overall volume is difficult to control, so I guess I have to switch to unpowered cabs like that Kabinet.

    But can I keep using that mixer?

    Before all of this I have been using only my passive 4x12 cab but couldn't get enough volume so that's why I turned to these powered cabs.

    Is the unpowered Kabinet capable of producing enough volume on stage if necessary?

    The Kabinet comes in two versions one is powered and one unpowered. You can use the unpowered with the speaker out of your powered Kemper but not with the line level output from your mixer. You can use the Powered version with either the Monitor Out of your Kemper OR the line level outputs from your mixer.

  • The answer is in the diagram itself,

    QSC Input B is line level only:

    That would be the signal coming from your mixers left and right output or from the Kempers main left and right outputs or the monitor out and direct out (monitor out and direct out work as a stereo pair when the Monitor Out in the Output menu is set to Master Stereo) which I'm assuming that is how your Kemper is set.

    QSC Input A can be ....................

    One of your remarks makes a lot of sense to me! And that is the output level of the Profiler. That must be surely way too high and will be the cause of those volume jumps. In conjuction with the rest of the gain settings I have no doubt that it this is the right way to deal with those volume jumps. I know it will take some time to find the right combinations and settings but it's clear to me that buying another cab is not the answer. You have created a perfect way to solve my problems and I thank you for that! My K8 monitors will be glad too...!:)

    OK, let me try it this way...

    Yes, the Monitor and Direct outputs work as you suggest. I use them as well. I put them into my Seymour Duncan SD700 power amp and have two unpowered/passive Kabinets on the SD700 output. I then run either stereo or mono depending on the use case.

    That said, and as Wheresthedug says, without my SD700, if I tried to plug those unpowered/passive Kabinets into the Monitor and Direct outputs I would get nothing. No damage, and no sound.

    The Monitor output is a "clone" of the Speaker output (red ring) except that the Speaker output is powered and the Monitor output is not powered. You can put the Monitor output to your mixer of course, but NOT the Speaker output (red ring). If you put the Speaker output (powered) into the mixer, either one or both will get damaged.

    Hope that helps mate.

    You're right! So you have the same connections as I have. They work great and deliver a great sound coming out of my monitors. As dmattews noticed: the high volume jumps problems are originated from elsewhere: the output gain of the profiler. That will be having a much too high level. So adjusting this and corresponding levels of mixer and cabs too my problems will be over: no need to look for another cab. The QSC cabs doing their jobs fine!:thumbup:

  • Knowing this all now I guess I have to start at the source: my profiler. If I bring all gains there to a basic level and set my incoming gains on the mixer accordingly, am I right that only the volume level of the cabs matter and should be set to maximum solo level, wich can be reached or controlled by the two volume faders on the mixer!

    If this is right what would be a normal live acceptable gain setting on the profiler and accordingly on the mixer which give more than enough room and control by the faders and thus eliminate jump volumes?

    BTW almost all my rig volumes at the front are all set to 12 o'clock.

    Edited once, last by theplayer (January 8, 2023 at 8:29 AM).

  • For my use, which is low level in my bedroom, i was not convinced by the power kabinet..
    Using FRFR mode, it doesn't bring any benefit over my studio monitors, and i'm loosing the stereao.

    Using Imprints, the sound is not better (again, for me), it's like i was switching cab on the profiler, or using a different IR. I found it different, not better. And you are using what you like in the profile.
    So i sent it back (thank you Kemper) and went back to my studio monitors and headphones. Next step is to try a guitar cab.

  • Knowing this all now I guess I have to start at the source: my profiler. If I bring all gains there to a basic level and set my incoming gains on the mixer accordingly, am I right that only the volume level of the cabs matter and should be set to maximum solo level, wich can be reached or controlled by the by the two volume faders on the mixer!

    If this is right what would be a normal live acceptable gain setting on the profiler and accordingly on the mixer which give more than enough room and control by the faders and thus eliminate jump volumes?

    BTW almost all my rig volumes at the front are all set to 12 o'clock.

    I would use your go to profile as a baseline, the profile that you use most often. Try setting your monitor output to -18db for a starting point and work from there. I haven't seen the mixer model listed but some have a solo button which when engaged on a particular channel will allow you to see the input level of that channel on a led meter. What model mixer do you have? If I'm familiar with it I'll try to give you some pointers in getting unity gain through the signal chain.

    Also keep in mind, profiles vary in volume when made, putting each rig at the same volume setting won't give the same output volume. Have a baseline profile and switch between it and another profile at or close to performance level, using your ears adjust the other profile to the same perceived volume, just switch back and forth between them until the second profile sounds close then move on to another profile and start again. You might just do a few at each setting, I have to because of ear fatigue but you may not have worn your ears out as bad as mine are!

    I think I would address your original issue first though and see if changing the gain structure in your rig will yield a more usable amount of control without big volume jumps, if that is the issue and it can be fixed moving forward will be much more pleasant experience.

  • You won't be able to run through the mixer with the unpowered Kabinet. The powered output of the Kemper would damage the mixer or vice versa.

    I think this comment is confusing people. Yes, you can run to the mixer through the main outs and still have the powered out go to the Kabinet.

    I urge everyone to try the Kone with a quality "real" guitar cabinet. It's sooooo much better, especially at stage volume

  • I think this comment is confusing people. Yes, you can run to the mixer through the main outs and still have the powered out go to the Kabinet.

    You are correct but that is not the context of the OP’s question which this quotes relates to. The OP is running monitor out into an on stage monitor mixer then sending the outs from this to his powered monitors. He is not talking about sending main outs to a mixer an using the speaker out to drive his onstage monitors directly. He doesn’t want to give up the flexibility he gets from his on stage mixer therefore, he can’t run an unpowered cabinet.

  • I would use your go to profile as a baseline, the profile that you use most often. Try setting your monitor output to -18db for a starting point and work from there. I haven't seen the mixer model listed but some have a solo button which when engaged on a particular channel will allow you to see the input level of that channel on a led meter. What model mixer do you have? If I'm familiar with it I'll try to give you some pointers in getting unity gain through the signal chain.

    Also keep in mind, profiles vary in volume when made, putting each rig at the same volume setting won't give the same output volume. Have a baseline profile and switch between it and another profile at or close to performance level, using your ears adjust the other profile to the same perceived volume, just switch back and forth between them until the second profile sounds close then move on to another profile and start again. You might just do a few at each setting, I have to because of ear fatigue but you may not have worn your ears out as bad as mine are!

    I think I would address your original issue first though and see if changing the gain structure in your rig will yield a more usable amount of control without big volume jumps, if that is the issue and it can be fixed moving forward will be much more pleasant experience.

    Thanks, HowardBrown! Here's my setup with the mixer I use. No solo button. I always use a second rig for solo (a bit louder) and assign that one (in System) next to the previous one to my FC 200 midi controller, let’s say under button 1 and 2.

    Here's my setup

  • You are correct but that is not the context of the OP’s question which this quotes relates to. The OP is running monitor out into an on stage monitor mixer then sending the outs from this to his powered monitors. He is not talking about sending main outs to a mixer an using the speaker out to drive his onstage monitors directly. He doesn’t want to give up the flexibility he gets from his on stage mixer therefore, he can’t run an unpowered cabinet.

    Hi Alan and ElDoca, See my full setup as above.

  • I now must have done something seriously wrong! Could please someone explain which of the nine Output pages I must have to get my previous old loud volume back, for starting all over again? My 1000 W cab now sounds quieter than an old radio...:(

  • Thanks, HowardBrown! Here's my setup with the mixer I use. No solo button. I always use a second rig for solo (a bit louder) and assign that one (in System) next to the previous one to my FC 200 midi controller, let’s say under button 1 and 2.

    Here's my setup

    Yes, that is how I imagined you had it set up.

    I don't really see a need for the mixer. I know you like it but you achieve the same thing directly from the Profiler very easily which would remove one layer of complication.

    You could simply make are that the only volume linked to the Master Volume knob is the Monitor Output which would make the Kemper Master Volume perform the same as the mixer fader. You could set the Quick button to Quick Edit Page using page 3 of the System Menu. This way hitting quick will automatically take you to the last edit page used. If you leave the Output Menu on Page 3 at the start of a gig then hitting either Output or Quick buttons would take you straight to the Monitor Out EQ which would do the same job as the mixer EQ without the need for a mixer, extra cabling and another layer of gain staging to get right. This would give you instant control of volume and EQ for your monitor to adapt to different stage without affecting the FOH sound.

    However, there shouldn't be problem continuing the way you are set up if that works for you.

  • To get back to the original request.

    Why were you considering changing? Because there was something you didn't quite like from the QSC's. So a Kabinet or any other monitor will sound different which is what you want. You may need to tweak to taste, which is normal. Will you like it? No one can tell you that. All I can tell you is it was designed to bridge the gap between a regular guitar cab and FRFR monitor to give you that amp in the room sound with the control you don;t get with a regular guitar cab.

    The problem with a guitar cab is it has a massive impact on the sound and colours it heavily depending on the speaker type.

    FRFR does the opposite and give a very true representation of the profile BUT some people find it clinical and "missing" something. The Kabinet/Kone along with the imprints covers that gap. Just as an aside, I found the imprint I like and have never changed it since, so its not high maintenance, just better live sound.

    Hence why I think the Kabinet/Kone is the way forward for you. As you have a powered Kemper, the passive one is good enough BUT your mixer presents a problem as you can't put your amplified singal through your mixer. As its passive, the mixer would not drive the Kabinet. Therefore 2 options:

    1) Review the mixer - as Wheresthedug put, i'm not sure you need it anyway

    2) Get the powered Kabinet and run in the same config

    BTW I think you said you didn't get enough volume from a 4x12? Definitely something wrong in your set up if that's the case. It should rip your ears off. You definitely need to check linked volumes as I had that problem and it solved it. Of course you can only run a 4 x12 from the KPA speaker our, NOT the mixer output...

  • To get back to the original request.

    Why were you considering changing? Because there was something you didn't quite like from the QSC's. So a Kabinet or any other monitor will sound different which is what you want. You may need to tweak to taste, which is normal. Will you like it? No one can tell you that. All I can tell you is it was designed to bridge the gap between a regular guitar cab and FRFR monitor to give you that amp in the room sound with the control y....................................................

    My thoughts about changing to another cab was based on different bad volume experiences with my 2 QSC K8 cabs in conjunction with my Soundcraft Notepad 12 fx mixer in live situations. More than once I got sudden volume jumps when I tried to increase volume for a solo.

    The combination however works perfect for me and I use it at home daily: Kemper, Notepad, youtubes through the usb and the computer and output to 2 studio monitors.

    So that's why I started using Kemper, mixer and 2 other monitors (my 2 powered K8 cabs) for rehearsing and live gigs until I got these volume jumps. And this has been leading to thinking about another monitor or cab...

    But let there be no mistake. My 2 QSC K8 cabs still sound awesome and I still want to keep using them, even as a monitor in live FOH situations of which the 2 K8 are part of.

    I'm glad now that all of this remains possible and that problems only have been related to my lack of knowledge about making the right connections and routings. BTW , they still have...

    During this topic and reading posts I happily started turning several knobs (God, there are many...), changing volume ranges and routings and did this obviously too much in the Output section, leaving me behind with the opposite result now: way to little volume than before all this.

    Again lack of knowing of what this does when turning that knob and with that ...... if you get my point.

    So now I'm again busy in thinking and trying to get my problem situation back and then start hopefully all over in the right way because I know there's nothing wrong with the equipment but it's just me. And still I'm far from home.

  • Ahh I see. You are right, its not the monitors that cause that its something else.

    I'm still not 100% sure what the issue is but perhaps if I explain how I do it, it might help?

    I only use my kemper live so all of my comments relate to that. I set it up in a very similar way to a regular amp but the big difference is I don't mic on stage, I go direct to FOH and have my own monitor on stage.

    I send a consistent signal to the FOH from my main output ( mono) set at -12db using the pad switch.

    All my rigs are set to the right relative volumes ( solo, clean, rock sound) so there is no adjustment needed at FOH or in my monitors.

    Not sure if that helps you at all, but I find simplest is best.

  • OK Alan, I have no trouble to get rid of the mixer as long as I have the same direct control. I will follow your instructions and see where it leads me to and then I'm sure I'll get back to you.

    Thank you for now! Ray

    Yes Ray, there is definitely nothing to lose from trying my way. If it works for you it will save a lot of hassle. If it doesn't work for you at least you will know that you need the mixer.

    Think of your two main requirements individually first.

    The biggest issue is undoubtedly the need to quickly control onstage volume independently of the level going to FOH.

    Fortunately this is definitely easy to do with you KPA. The key is to make sure that the Main Out is NOT linked to the Master Volume Knob. Once this is unlinked you can can just grab the Master Volume Knob on stage at any time and adjust your monitors.

    The EQ issue is also easily handled but does need you to enter the Output Menu to do so. As last Ng as you leave the Output Menu on the EQ page before you start the gig you can get straight back to it with a single click during the gig.

    I would expect you to need access to volume control further gig much more often than the need to adjust monitor EQ during the gig. Typically I would expect to make any Monitor EQ adjustments at sound check and leave it alone during the show.

    Hope this works for you. Let me know how you get on 👍

  • I make you 100% sure. It's not about FOH. In rehearsels we only have a singer using the PA. And then those problems appear. But when I do am on stage for FOH I want to prevent these situations. I'm afraid that they also occur. I just need an enough and reliable volume on stage, even when I want to increase this on stage which will consistenly come out in FOH.

  • I make you 100% sure. It's not about FOH. In rehearsels we only have a singer using the PA. And then those problems appear. But when I do am on stage for FOH I want to prevent these situations. I'm afraid that they also occur. I just need an enough and reliable volume on stage, even when I want to increase this on stage which will consistenly come out in FOH.

    One of the real advantages of the KPA is that you can control the overall on stage volume independently from the FOH sound as previously said.

    Hope you get it sorted :)

  • Hi Wheresthedug, You name an important issue: going from Kemper to FOH. I have done this in a very oldfashion way by putting a mic for my cab. What you are suggesting in doing that in the Kemper makes a lot of sense but I haven’t been able to find this option. That’s one, (but I know how to dot this.

    And the other thing makes also sense to me: using my cab on stage and at the same time make a second connection from that same cab to FOH. I know my K8 is capable of doing that.

    Now I still have to find my way to find the right way to deal only with my Kemper and K8 with a controlled volume which I can increase or decrease as I please without volume jumps on stage and subsequently to FOH. I have a Sennheiser EW300 in ear (but logically at rest now!) and this way I would be able to hear exactly both the decreased or increased volumes without excessive jumps (of course then without my monitor).

    I still have two imporant questions:

    • I have an amp in my rigs with a configuring volume
    • I have a (total) output (right above on Kemper) with a number of different kinds of volume and a lot of other kinds of confurations. Still a labyrint….

    1.       How to get a controllable volume for rhtytm and solo on stage and rehearsals? (FOH will consequently follow later in the same way)

    2.       How to deal with all different volumes in the Kemper while my K8 is set to a maximum volume range for soloing)

    So this will be then without my mixer. I still can deal with this in my studio at home for all necessary other inputs (like computer with recording software).